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Reverb 09-25-2010 11:55 PM

So Brandon bought a new boat, and it wasn't a Judge.
Give the man props, when they are due..

Gotta admit, he does his homework, and his new ride looks schweet...

I think 300 horses is a bit much, but what do I know....:confused:

5th Tuition 09-26-2010 09:01 AM

I'm glad he finally posted what he was getting. I could give a rats ass what Brandon selected and why. Everyone of us has to make a decission on what boat we are getting based on lots of criteria.
We look at different options and try to balance the pluses and minus' of each boat and how we intend to use it. Eventually, we pick a boat that is the best compromise betweem different types of fishing ( ex. best ride in a chop versus a stable platform a rest).
So what does Brandon do; he buys two boats. One boat for one type of fishing, and another for a different type.
More power to him, I'm glad he's spending some of that trust fund money. I'm really glad it's being spent to support a local builder.
But why was everyone on TF so excited to find out Brandon's decission? It has no effect on me.
I have a close friend that owns a 48' Ocean Yacht. It's a beautiful boat. It is his dream boat, and he is so excited every time he steps foot on board. However, I wouldn't swap him my 22' walkaround (unless he would allow me to sell his Ocean for cash). We use the boats for different things and fish them differently.
Best of luck to Brandon and his new ride's, I wish him nothing but success and joy on either boat.

Personally, I think Brandon should have bought Capt. George's "Stormy Petral" and outfitted it with nets. That's the only way we are going to be able to catch fish in the near future (and most of them will be sick).

5th (Marty)

B-Faithful 09-26-2010 01:20 PM

Brandons boat should be a nice boat. Looks like a nice hull from what I have seen and he knows the builder so it should be made to his liking. Only downside I can see for Brandon by going with a builder who has such a limited production is that it could be tough to sell a brand that only has one or two out there and doesnt have an established reputation. Brandon will certainly help that though through his site.

As far as him not getting a Judge, Brandon was gracious enough to come see us for a sea trial and we appreciated that. I even think he was very suprised at the performance, quality, and layout of the boat. We ran a 22cc for him on a day just prior to some storms and probably 15 knot winds in Eastern Bay. We stayed dry and the boat performed great with a single 150 Honda. He even went as far as to say he was shocked at how nicely the boat rode in the solid 2' chop. He also seem surprised at the amount of deck space the boat had for a 22'er. Only thing I think he would have like to seen was a little more speed. With the 150 Honda, t-top, 3 on board, full fuel, gear, etc. we hit 34 knots (just over 39 mph) in the chop. While the boat does 40mph with a 150 and t-top, I think if Brandon chose the Judge he would have gone with a zuke 175 which puts the top speed in the mid 40's.

I will say I even enjoyed getting to know Brandon. It is funny how when you meet someone off line and/or not in a political setting how nice it is just to talk boats and fishing with someone who enjoys it as well. Bill and I certainly appreciated him giving us a good look. I think he enjoyed checking out the boat as well. Hopefully we can put him in a Judge in the future.

It was funny to see how many hits all the speculation the thread about him buying a boat got. I think there are over 9000 views at this point...:confused::D

drichitt 09-26-2010 05:45 PM

I was amazed at the the number of views and replies to that post. I guess maybe I should at least take a look at the thread:rolleyes:....not!

SimpleBiology 09-27-2010 07:47 PM

9000 views wtf
Are people really that bored, 9000 views on what some guy is going to over...the fishing has been red hot in the middle bay for the last few weeks, I'm glad I fish if not maybe i'd be that bored:).

Spot77 09-27-2010 09:14 PM

I guess TF is making a lot of money for him now.

The forum runs so freaking slow for me now I should ask for my money back...searches take forever.

Well congrats to him on getting a nice new boat.

Now where are those damned wire strippers so I can finish putting mine back together....:(

drichitt 09-28-2010 10:33 AM


Originally Posted by SimpleBiology (Post 8446)
Are people really that bored, 9000 views on what some guy is going to buy

There have been over 12,000 views on that thread. Thank god it finally made it to page 2 and hopefully it will go away. I know Greg isn't going to reply on it anymore:D BTT

Skip 09-28-2010 02:03 PM

If he would only have gotten a hair cut - he could have bought a Grady.

We have very strict guidelines :D:D.

uncljohn 09-28-2010 03:03 PM


Originally Posted by Skip (Post 8449)
If he would only have gotten a hair cut - he could have bought a Grady.

We have very strict guidelines :D:D.

Uhhhh...Skip. I think those guidelines have been relaxed some. Brandon's shaggy mane doesn't compare to this guy's freak flag.....:cool:

OK so I tried to read thru the thread...what boat did he buy? I only got out of it that he's narrowed it down to 6 boats and not a Panga.

Mikie 09-28-2010 06:06 PM

Who's Brandon??

B-Faithful 09-28-2010 06:42 PM


Originally Posted by drichitt (Post 8448)
There have been over 12,000 views on that thread. Thank god it finally made it to page 2 and hopefully it will go away. I know Greg isn't going to reply on it anymore:D BTT

I bet half the views of the thread were to see if he was buying a Judge :p:D

What is a Judge anyhow :rolleyes:;)

JigStix 09-28-2010 08:53 PM

I say this out of love for a bunch of you guys I don't even know, but you guys are like a bunch of bitter ex girlfriends of Tidalfish, you claim you hate it, yet can't stop thinking or talking about it
Who gives a crap about what boat he got, but at least we didn't have to hear about Judge's over and over again for 12000 views

would you rather read about the RFA and O'Malley?

uncljohn 09-29-2010 08:53 AM


Originally Posted by JigStix (Post 8454)
I say this out of love for a bunch of you guys I don't even know, but you guys are like a bunch of bitter ex girlfriends of Tidalfish, you claim you hate it, yet can't stop thinking or talking about it
Who gives a crap about what boat he got, but at least we didn't have to hear about Judge's over and over again for 12000 views

I'm sure most people care b/c they figure whatever boat he buys was funded by TF membership dues. Just like his trips to Belize. So they feel they have some ownership. Of course, there is the small fact that Brandon has done a ton of research and has provided a lot of info for someone thinking about buying.

reds 09-29-2010 10:38 AM

That one off Marolina (Sp) has been around since the late 90's. There is more to the reason Brandi picked that make then a good hull.

Has anybody seen that make anywhere beside the original hull?

Mikie 09-29-2010 01:07 PM


Originally Posted by reds (Post 8456)
That one off Marolina (Sp) has been around since the late 90's. There is more to the reason Brandi picked that make then a good hull.

Has anybody seen that make anywhere beside the original hull?

My guess would be he's trying to make a deal with the builder - he'll build it up big time on his website for a cut out of future sales.

JigStix 09-29-2010 04:57 PM


Originally Posted by uncljohn (Post 8455)
I'm sure most people care b/c they figure whatever boat he buys was funded by TF membership dues. Just like his trips to Belize. So they feel they have some ownership. Of course, there is the small fact that Brandon has done a ton of research and has provided a lot of info for someone thinking about buying.

You really think Brandon makes his living off TF membership dues???? Can you say family money???

Blakesdad 09-30-2010 05:06 PM


Originally Posted by JigStix (Post 8454)
I say this out of love for a bunch of you guys I don't even know, but you guys are like a bunch of bitter ex girlfriends of Tidalfish, you claim you hate it, yet can't stop thinking or talking about it
Who gives a crap about what boat he got, but at least we didn't have to hear about Judge's over and over again for 12000 views

would you rather read about the RFA and O'Malley?

I'm just trying my best to keep this board alive, with SOMETHING.

And I thought it was interesting he bucked the love affair , which everyone seems to have these days with a Judge. I don;t understand the love affair, but whatever.

As for making a living off TF, not a chance in hell. Its his passion. Family money is your answer.

5th Tuition 09-30-2010 06:28 PM


Originally Posted by Blakesdad (Post 8474)
I'm just trying my best to keep this board alive, with SOMETHING.

Brian; I agree as far as trying to keep the board alive. I appreciate the post and the question. At least you got two pages of responses. It gave us SOMETHING to read and ponder.
I was surprised and pleased it didn't turn into a Judge bashing. As you know I've been on a Judge a couple times and really was impressed with the ride as well as the fishing platform.
I like the 25 Maycraft cabin as well. I've been on two of them and the layout is very similar to the Judge 27.
I've never fished the Parker 25 cabin; so if there are any owners out there that want to take me as a HO, I'm available:D.
I also like the 23 Grady W/A with the 9'3" beam; but have never fished it either.
Anyway; thanks for the post; keep em comin:).
5th (Marty)

drichitt 09-30-2010 07:58 PM


Originally Posted by 5th Tuition (Post 8478)
I like the 25 Maycraft cabin as well. I've been on two of them and the layout is very similar to the Judge 27.

There is only 10" difference between the Maycraft 25 and Judge 27. They are very similar in layout and ride. Being retired, money was the most motivating factor causing me to go with the Maycraft. All this Judge talk, can't believe Greg hasn't showed up:confused:. His crackberry must be broken:D

JigStix 09-30-2010 08:22 PM


Originally Posted by 5th Tuition (Post 8478)
I was surprised and pleased it didn't turn into a Judge bashing. As you know I've been on a Judge a couple times and really was impressed with the ride as well as the fishing platform.

I thought this was the Judge Board, I guess that's why noone bashed them.

I actually rode on a Judge 2 days ago and was surprised. I always wanted to hate them due to the ridiculous, unwarranted love they get, but they are a nice boat. I'm a convert. I'd never buy one because I think they are overpriced, but that being said, it's quite a nice boat, but like that guy said, they are not a 27 foot boat at all. They are completely mis-labeled.

Never seem a May Craft but I constantly mistake them for Judge's out there. There are at least 2 out of Solomon's where I fish and I struck up a conversation with a guy on one (Strikezone) down there and he sure has a pretty boat too.

Either way I'll take my parker any day of the week.

5th Tuition 09-30-2010 09:02 PM


Originally Posted by JigStix (Post 8486)
Either way I'll take my parker any day of the week.

About 5 years ago, I thought I found the perfect boat. I couldn't justify buying it because my boat was not very old, and it did everything I needed it to do. You don't see many on the bay, but I still think it's a sweet ride.

A Parker 23 Walkaround:). Put a 250 yamaha on the back and I was inches from signing a contract. The only problem is the bottom hadn't dropped out of the market yet, and TriState didn't want to give me anything for my boat, and they wouldn't budge on their price either.
I don't know why the walkarounds didn't sell as well as the pilot houes.
5th (Marty)

B-Faithful 09-30-2010 11:06 PM


Originally Posted by JigStix (Post 8486)
I actually rode on a Judge 2 days ago and was surprised. I always wanted to hate them due to the ridiculous, unwarranted love they get, but they are a nice boat. I'm a convert. I'd never buy one because I think they are overpriced, but that being said, it's quite a nice boat, but like that guy said, they are not a 27 foot boat at all. They are completely mis-labeled.

Either way I'll take my parker any day of the week.

Great thread.. Now it is getting fun. You guys are talking about my favorite subject :D


I am glad you are a convert but I dont see why the love is "unwarranted"... There are lots of good reasons to appreciate them.

First all the owner and employees are those that fish along side you on the bay and offshore.. Judge isnt farming in boats from out of state and marketing them with sales reps who dont fish the area regularly and understand what seasoned fishermen are looking for. The people associated with the company truly are your fellow fishermen. You see them on the water, in tournaments, and involved with issues concerning the bay and fishing. The guys at Judge love the same things as you do.

Secondly, the company has been working to construct a quality boat to last a life time. Bill is using high quality fiberglass cloth from the end-rolls from Viking Yachts, top of the line gel coat that resists chalking far better than the vast majority on the market, and all composite materials that will never rot or be prone to failure over time. This also doesnt include the little things like poly tanks that are less prone to failure over time, high end anodized aluminum that doesnt pit like most brands use, quality marine wiring. Judge isnt a mass production shop that relies on little cloth and lots of chopped glass. The boats really are built one at a time with the little things and preferences that each individual customer wants or fits their budget.

Finally, the price for a quality-contructed boat using the high-end materials is far more appealing than the competition. You take any one of Judge's boats and put them up against their competing models and when you go down the list with the same options, I assure you that the Judge will impact the wallet less. This even goes for the Maycraft 25, which I previously owned and doesnt really compete on the quality of construction in many areas. It is important to note that in the standard boats by Judge, items such as trim tabs, opening windows, washdown pumps, dual batteries, etc are all included. Yes you can add a million other options but the standard boats are well dressed. Since you are happy with your Parker, which are nice boats too, I assume you havent compared prices between the lines recently. A 25 Parker starts in the 70k range with a full transom, bracket, and single v6 4 stroke, while the Judge 27 is in the lower 60k range. The Judge 22cc with tabs, washdown and 150hp 4 stroke is about the same as a 21 Parker and far less than a 23se Parker. Personally, I prefer the layout, nicer riding length to beam ratio and all composite build of the Judge for less money. To each their own... Chocolate and vanilla thing.

As far as the sizing goes, the 27 Judges are a true 26'4" hull length so they are shorter than 27'. As someone who has been helping Bill I actually wish they were called a 26 as I believe the 27 designation hurts his marketing some as a lot of people fear trailering a "27'er". However, the 27 designation is very much in line with many boats on the market today (if not more generous). The 26'4" hull length does not include the bracket or bow pulpits like so many other manufacturers today who count those items or things such as eurotransoms. Judges other models, such as the 22' and the 24' boats, are actually larger than their designations.

Anyhow, I plan on helping Bill at the Annapolis boat show some. Any CB Anglers please stop over and and say hi. Like I said before, the guys working for the company are your fellow local fishermen. Bill will have his 36 Chesapeake, a 27 Chesapeake, and his 37 Oxford cruiser. I promise if any of you stop over, I will have a beverage in the fridge for you. ;) Just dont be scared of the big Eastern Shore redneck.. He is harmless and goes by the name of Bill. :D

PS. Marty, stop trying to bum HO trips :p

Spot77 10-01-2010 03:41 AM


Originally Posted by B-Faithful (Post 8495)
Anyhow, I plan on helping Bill at the Annapolis boat show some. Any CB Anglers please stop over and and say hi. Like I said before, the guys working for the company are your fellow local fishermen. Bill will have his 36 Chesapeake, a 27 Chesapeake, and his 37 Oxford cruiser. I promise if any of you stop over, I will have a beverage in the fridge for you. ;) Just dont be scared of the big Eastern Shore redneck.. He is harmless and goes by the name of Bill. :D

PS. Marty, stop trying to bum HO trips :p

Now I'm sold. Where's my checkbook? :D

You really know how to get to a Caper's heart don't ya?:p

Slayer 10-04-2010 12:00 PM


Originally Posted by Mikie (Post 8451)
Who's Brandon??

He's that limp-wristed guy that does the white board drawings on the UPS commercials.

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