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tacklemake 05-02-2011 06:41 PM

striper kill
Check out from yesterdays find.Look under news...........woody PS That's is one of the nets we tired to put a stop to years ago and it was settled before it got to the hearing in Annapolis.

B-Faithful 05-02-2011 06:59 PM

Woody, thanks for the heads up. Here is the link:

crabby and son 05-02-2011 07:09 PM

There are many more nets waiting to be found. BAN THE GILL NETS! What a waste............Gary

reds 05-02-2011 07:25 PM


Originally Posted by crabby and son (Post 10772)
There are many more nets waiting to be found. BAN THE GILL NETS! What a waste............Gary

And you know this because???

Calvert Cliff Nuclear plant kills more fish in one year then recs and commercial fisherman do in 5 years. Ban all water cooled electric generating plants. ..........................:)Just a matter of perception.

crabby and son 05-03-2011 07:00 PM

Second largest seizure of poached rockfish this year pulled from bay
NRP officers say they found 3.3 tons of dead, decaying striped bass near Tilghman Island

By Candus Thomson, The Baltimore Sun

5:27 p.m. EDT, May 3, 2011
About 3.3 tons of dead and decaying striped bass were recovered by Natural Resources Police Tuesday from an illegal net submerged in the waters off Tilghman Island. It was the second largest seizure of poached fish this year.

The net, the 10th seized since Feb. 1, was found on Sunday by a recreational fisherman whose lines became fouled in the tangle of mesh and fish. Police believe it had been in the water since the beginning of the year.

It took an 80-foot work boat with a crane several hours to gather up the nearly mile-long net and the ensnared fish, which averaged 15 pounds. So far, NRP has seized almost 16 tons of illegally caught striped bass, Maryland's state fish also known as rockfish.

The commercial gill net season has been closed since the end of February and is not scheduled to reopen until Dec. 1. The total tonnage of poached striped bass will be deducted from the commercial allotment.

Get rid of the gill nets!!!...........Gary

hippie 05-03-2011 07:37 PM

I hope everyone knows that Md. is one of the last states that still allows gill nets! Time to do something. I say if a person gets caught that person should be banned from netting and fishing for life. That is when they get out of jail.

Mikie 05-03-2011 08:34 PM

"It took an 80-foot work boat with a crane several hours to gather up the nearly mile-long net and the ensnared fish, which averaged 15 pounds."

Is this the same 600 yd long net that's been discussed everywhere for the last couple of days? If so, how did 1800' all of a sudden become 5280'? Everybody needs to keep their facts straight and stop trying to embellish everything to boister their egos and positions.

reds 05-04-2011 05:43 AM


Originally Posted by Mikie (Post 10798)
"It took an 80-foot work boat with a crane several hours to gather up the nearly mile-long net and the ensnared fish, which averaged 15 pounds."

Is this the same 600 yd long net that's been discussed everywhere for the last couple of days? If so, how did 1800' all of a sudden become 5280'? Everybody needs to keep their facts straight and stop trying to embellish everything to boister their egos and positions.

Would love to see MSSA's and CCA's net budget for the year.

MSSA has altered a Maryland Natural Resources' letter around to suit themselves, what else have they done that we don't know about?

B-Faithful 05-04-2011 02:48 PM

I understand another net has been found that will be pulled tomorrow :(

Skip 05-04-2011 03:02 PM

Mikie - I heard the net was approx. 1,400 yards - 8/10 of a mile give / take.

It turned out to be longer then DNR first thought since they first grappled it in the middle - not the end.

Reds - Very likely more nets out there or Gibby would not have asked for an amnesty period to remove them. As Greg pointed out - DNR is pulling another one found by a charter boat.

With more people fishing - almost bet more nets will be found. The guys with side scans should be able to spot them as well.

crabby and son 05-04-2011 03:14 PM

The more nets that are found will better the cause for a net ban and hopefully save some more fish. Those nets looked like they had a no vacancy sign on them though. I can't believe some one hasn't been busted by now............Gary

Mikie 05-04-2011 03:55 PM

Yeah, that's why everything about these nets is "fishy". If someone actually set them and worked them to make money, they would have been caught! It looks like these nets were just set and abandoned to catch fish until the right time for "someone" to find them for a media event. CCA, MSSA, DNR, ??

Skip 05-04-2011 04:14 PM

Mikie - Not to be smart but MSSA has trouble getting volunteers to man the booths at flea markets - some how doubt they could find the $$$$ for nets plus labor to put them out there.

Same for CCA - plus would not be worth the risk , media would have a field day - IMHO. Heard a rumor there will be arrests made - hope it is true that DNR found the poachers.

My take on it - the poachers were forced to abandon the illegal nets when all the DNR officers were on the water in winter. When the gill net season opened last few days of February - it was way too windy for the poachers to try to get them while blending in with legal netters.

Gibby later asked for amnesty period for illegal netters but was turned down. Kinda a last ditch effort.

Guess at that point - the poachers wrote the nets off - knowing DNR and others were watching.

Wish DNR would offer a reward for net locations - no questions asked - to get these things out of the water.

crabby and son 05-04-2011 04:43 PM

Ahhhhhhh so much closer to a net ban:) I hope it happens while there is still a few fish left...........Gary

Mikie 05-04-2011 05:04 PM

Good chance we'll never know the truth. I'm in for another total shutdown, moratorium - right now, for everybody!! Including C&R. Let's let the fish recover from everything and everybody. You get caught catching stripers - you forfeit your boat and all of your equipment and maybe get some jail time. You all in?

reds 05-04-2011 09:17 PM


Originally Posted by Skip (Post 10817)
Mikie - Not to be smart but MSSA has trouble getting volunteers to man the booths at flea markets - some how doubt they could find the $$$$ for nets plus labor to put them out there.

Same for CCA - plus would not be worth the risk , media would have a field day - IMHO. Heard a rumor there will be arrests made - hope it is true that DNR found the poachers.

My take on it - the poachers were forced to abandon the illegal nets when all the DNR officers were on the water in winter. When the gill net season opened last few days of February - it was way too windy for the poachers to try to get them while blending in with legal netters.

Gibby later asked for amnesty period for illegal netters but was turned down. Kinda a last ditch effort.

Guess at that point - the poachers wrote the nets off - knowing DNR and others were watching.

Wish DNR would offer a reward for net locations - no questions asked - to get these things out of the water.

Don't think for a minute that a CCA or MSSA member wouldn't do it. Who says it has to be sanctioned by the officers. I have first hand knowledge of CCA members trying to break up marriages over fishery matters.

You presume to much of what Gibby Dean was thinking. Even to the point of addressing him by his first name. Is that to give the impression you know him? I'm betting he doesn't know you.

Don't presume DNR was on the water much this winter, just not true.

Mikie 05-05-2011 01:49 PM


Originally Posted by Mikie (Post 10819)
Good chance we'll never know the truth. I'm in for another total shutdown, moratorium - right now, for everybody!! Including C&R. Let's let the fish recover from everything and everybody. You get caught catching stripers - you forfeit your boat and all of your equipment and maybe get some jail time. You all in?

No takers? Just what I thought - everybody's all show and no go.

Skip 05-05-2011 02:30 PM

Mikie - I'll bite.

If another moratorium had to be put on Rockfish - I'd be 100% in favor of taking a poachers boat.

IMHO - That is how it should be right now , not a small fine. One reason we see repeat offenders who steal from all of us. They have little to fear. Hell , most times the fines are not even 5% of what was taken. That is cheaper then sales tax.

Reds - Guess we will have to wait until an arrest (s) is made to know who set the nets. I just can not see some one ( CCA / MSSA ) putting out thousands of dollars like that - on hope it is found. Illegal nets have been found in most past years - nothing new about it.

Fish Nut 05-05-2011 02:33 PM


Originally Posted by reds (Post 10773)
And you know this because???

Calvert Cliff Nuclear plant kills more fish in one year then recs and commercial fisherman do in 5 years. Ban all water cooled electric generating plants. ..........................:)Just a matter of perception.

Do you have the entrainment studies done on that site? Entrainment does occur. The last time I looked the striped bass weren't at the top of the list in the late 90’s. There life cycle dosen't place them in that area generally during the time they are most vulnerable. Now this varies from site to site. Thus the need for the specific site survey.

The surveys are done and on record. Now with the change in security they might not be releasing data to the public on nuclear facilities.

I just happened to do my senior thesis on topics similar to this using blue crabs as a model species. My class mate cribbed a lot of my literature research since he was looking at striped bass.

Fish Nut 05-05-2011 02:48 PM


Originally Posted by hippie (Post 10797)
I hope everyone knows that Md. is one of the last states that still allows gill nets! Time to do something. I say if a person gets caught that person should be banned from netting and fishing for life. That is when they get out of jail.

I took a quick look at different states commercial harvest methods.

I might have missed one this should be close for the discussion

Main , Connecticut, New Hampshire, New Jersey & South Carolina Have no commercial harvest Of rock Fish.
Massachusetts Has a Hook& Line fishery ONLY
Rhode Island has a Fish trap and hook & line Fishery
Delaware has a Hook & line & a Gillnet Fishery
Virginia has a Hook & line & a Gillnet Fishery
New York has Hook & Line Pound Nets Fish traps Gillnets
Maryland has Hook & Line Pound Nets Gill Nets Haul seines
North Carolina has everything
Potomac River Hook & Line Pound Nets Gill Nets.

5 states Under the striped bass managment of the ASMFS allow gill netting and one more for the Potomac fishery
7 States don’t allow Gillnets.

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