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B-Faithful 03-26-2010 10:16 AM

Fishing Reports
Have we become overly sensitive to posting reports? After all we fought hard last year to keep the preseason open. Of course we dont need photos or fish counts but it would be nice to see posts where people are enjoying what we worked so hard for collectively to have access to. I know I think I was being overly sensitive...

Anyhow, I have been fishing BPL area once a week and have had a lot of fun. My son's 10 year old friend, who have never caught a striper before, landed a fat 45" last sat as his first fish. I dont think he appreciated that it was probably a fish of a lifetime for many people. Most fish we caught have been cookie-cutter spring fish in the 32-34" range though. We certainly have not had hot and heavy action but have had some slow picks going. I have had some good company such as reeltor, my son and his friend. I am shooting for at least two days next week with my son off for spring break. It is a great time to see him reel in a fish.

I will also note that while the 6 rod restriction is a bit of a downer and went beyond ensuring just a low mortality rate, we have been able to find a few fish and found that it hasnt been that bad. I have been trolling one board with 5 off the board and one deep rod with an umbrella and 20oz of weight. The board rods saw 2 solo chutes and 3 tandems. It seems to work for a few fish.

I hope to see some more reports here since this is what we worked hard for to keep open. Like I said, we dont need photos or fish counts but it would be nice to hear and read of others enjoying the access and opportunity we have!

Slayer 03-26-2010 10:38 AM

It's a personal choice for me. I'm still fuming. I've been out and have caught. I'm sending PM reports to like minded anglers and to those who have given me good info over the years. It's not that I think my info is super secret or better than anybody else'. I'll include you in any future pm reports.

Baldzilla 03-26-2010 11:30 AM

Oversensitive, no...guarded, yes. I am not posting, not because of the PSC&R, just because of the BS that surrounds fishing reports. I don't feel the need to put it out on a public site with 50,000 members. I share my information willingly with those who share with me, and even some that don't. I have been fishing 3-4 days a week since January whether it be 1 hour or 8 hours, and after that and work and family, usually don't feel like going here and writing a dissertation, uploading pictures, etc. When I used to post a lot of reports on the other site, I used to get 20 or so PMS per post asking me questions. I am more than willing to help and I felt bad if I didn't respond to every one. Posting reports became work. So I stopped. Not because of PSC&R.

mdracer 03-26-2010 11:40 AM

Didn't take long for this board to become the same as TF. Which I knew would happen anyway. Everyone raved that this board would only be fishing reports and how to's. We can understand very few fishing reports during the winter but now that fishing has started in earnest no one wants to post. Neat.

Spot77 03-26-2010 12:33 PM

I'll tell everybody everything I catch and where I caught it. Big pictures too.

I'm good enough that I can find new spots if one gets overfished. :D

Spot77 03-26-2010 12:35 PM


Originally Posted by mdracer (Post 5785)
Didn't take long for this board to become the same as TF. Which I knew would happen anyway. Everyone raved that this board would only be fishing reports and how to's. We can understand very few fishing reports during the winter but now that fishing has started in earnest no one wants to post. Neat.

I think that's still because most of us haven't really fished yet.

Splashing the boat once and throwing a few rods out on the shake down cruise doesn't really count as fishing. ;)

Reverb 03-26-2010 12:41 PM


Originally Posted by mdracer (Post 5785)
Didn't take long for this board to become the same as TF. Which I knew would happen anyway. Everyone raved that this board would only be fishing reports and how to's. We can understand very few fishing reports during the winter but now that fishing has started in earnest no one wants to post. Neat.

Its just not gonna happen, and anyone that thinks this board can possible sustain itself based on fishing reports, is either kidding themselves or is stupid.

jumbo1 03-26-2010 02:04 PM

Been thinking about it for a while...not going to post fishing reports anymore...on either board....As baldzilla said the word is "guarded"......I have been out 23 times this year....that's all I can say.......:D

crabby and son 03-26-2010 02:43 PM

I have not been out fishing yet but can understand the feelings of those who have and are not posting. The internet and fishing boards are a double edged sword and those who have been cut are " guarded " Any one can make a mistake but only a fool makes the same mistakes over and over. We all have our private little groups with whom we will share our information. You always have to give a little to get a little. There is no free lunches. Sad but true............Gary

PhilK999 03-26-2010 02:48 PM

Just cut the shrink wrap on my boat and waiting for the waters to clear some near me before I give it a shot or I have a long run to get to productive waters. I will be careful about what I post, but will post something when I get out.

5th Tuition 03-26-2010 03:01 PM

I can't wait to post:). I have only been out with friends, and we did quite well. This was before the 6 rod restrictions:mad:; but now, I hope to be splashing my boat and will report either a "good" day or a "bad" day. I'll post where fished, but no pic's or numbers. I'll share info with most all who post here if you want to PM:D.
Wife has off this week for Spring Break, so I should be able to get out at least once this week. I'll be kayaking with her the rest of the week.
5th (Marty)

Sykesville 03-26-2010 03:32 PM


Your Boys 10 yr old friend must be super strong or you have great equipment..

How did he do it? Any help?

Bug Guy 03-26-2010 03:48 PM

I've said it before - I think anyone can post as little or as much as they want (or not at all). I personally like the reports, because often there is info about the "how" included, which I've learned a lot from, but to each is own. But...

I have been wrestling with this thought, maybe you all can comment. If we stay "guarded", don't spread the word about our fishing exploits through whatever means (internet, bait shop, mssa meetings, ect.), won't we shrink the group of people that fish, and decrease the visibility of fisherman as a legitimate group of citizens. If the fishing fraternity gets smaller and smaller, and more guarded, won't we marginalize ourselves and eventually, the "reason" to end PC&R is because, heck, no one fishes it. We know that no agency will likely collect actual data on effort. If we follow the logic that people monitor these boards to make decisions, shouldn't we all be posting the basic - location, caught/didn't catch, all released unharmed, with only pic's of fish in the water if any at all. If we do that, we'll be representing ourselves as a large group or responsible anglers, giving people little reason to believe we are having an impact and showing that this is a popular fishery that generates profit for local business (gas, tackle, food, ect.). If there are no posts, shouldn't we surmise that the powers to be will assume that PC&R isn't popular. And if not popular, why have it at all?

Just a thought. I'm honestly not sure if I buy the logic myself, but I can't shake the feeling that the rightful acrimony over the process will bite us all in the a$$ somehow. I also don't think there is a cause and effect with the posts and the PC&R limits because I think it was all a smokescreen to cover up the actual, selfish reasons of the groups that wanted to limit PC&R, so maybe that is why I don't believe myself.

Anyway, food for though. Hopefully I can find the time to get out next week myself.



reeltor 03-26-2010 04:10 PM

I'll take "Guarded for 20, Alex". Posting w/ pics will begin in earnest during the trophy season when catch and keep is encouraged, strangely enough.

Reverb 03-26-2010 04:18 PM


Originally Posted by reeltor (Post 5802)
I'll take "Guarded for 20, Alex". Posting w/ pics will begin in earnest during the trophy season when catch and keep is encouraged, strangely enough.

Well now your getting into Fishing Report vs. Bragging Rights. There's a distinctive difference. There are some on the other board that thrive on bragging to the point that it gets them in a catch 22.

reeltor 03-26-2010 05:10 PM


Originally Posted by Reverb (Post 5803)
Well now your getting into Fishing Report vs. Bragging Rights. There's a distinctive difference. There are some on the other board that thrive on bragging to the point that it gets them in a catch 22.

I understand your point, we'll see.

Night Nurse 03-26-2010 06:22 PM

I'll post what I catch,,,, just haven't caught yet this year. Sunday looks good!:)


Reverb 03-26-2010 06:27 PM

And while its on my mind, there are " others" that claim to take their secrets to the grave, but are the very first ones to "brag" about there success. They can't get on the cell fast enough to tell their " buddies", all under the auspicious of' "Don;t tell anybody"... By the end of the day, all his "buddies" are comparing notes.

I don't know... Is really all about what cliques you belong too... :rolleyes:

Chris Marsh 03-26-2010 06:39 PM

Fished last Sun. with my neighbor on his 25 Robalo. Shake down trip with 14 rod spread. Caught 3 between 32 and 38 roughly. First fish off the boards 9inch storm shad, next 2 on deep running umbrellas, boat rods.

Chris Marsh 03-26-2010 06:42 PM

Sorry,launched at SP, and fished all morning right around Bloody.

goinsfishin 03-26-2010 06:59 PM

It's a shame it's gotten to this point.......damned if you do, damned if ya don't......I've been out 3 times on 3 different boats, might do 1 or 2 more......mainly shakedown cruises, testing equipment and such.
I've never been a big pre-season fisherman, with all the new gear restrictions I'm even less enthused......but I'll still post full reports.....not gonna be intimidated by a bunch of pansies....

5th Tuition 03-26-2010 07:09 PM

Bug Guy; good points. First, let me say I like posting on this board primarily because I'm not pissed at the owner (moderator).
I too have been wondering if we are playing into the hands of the "opposition" by not posting. However, at the same time, I don't want to give the "opposition" any more ammunition. Photo's have been picked apart on the TF board. You have to watch how you hold fish (vertically or horizonal). Where are your hands (on the egg sack or behind). What your wearing when you hold them ( naked wet hands vs gloves). If you have lures visable in the background they too are scrutinized (are there stingers in your lures).
Additionally; I know the charter captains use our reports to "follow the fish" so they stay aware of productive areas. By no means do I mean to imply that captains NEED rec's to show them where to fish. They have a group of their own that shares info, and they spend lots more time on the water than most rec's. But, like us, they can gleen info from our reports. When you multiply the number of rec's posting, there is a lot of info we put out there. There are captains that I would proudly share info with (Wayne Morgan, Steve Goings, Chuck Fisher, Charlie Richert) are just a few off the top of my head. But; there are many I wouldn't want to share info with.
I too suspect that after April 17th, the posts with photo's will reappear. In the meantime, I'll rely on my group of friends to share info. I feel like I'm not holding up my end of the bargin because I haven't been out except for one jigging trip (thanks Baldy) and one trolling trip (thanks Keith). But that is about to change:D.
5th (Marty)

Fish Nut 03-26-2010 08:39 PM


Originally Posted by Reverb (Post 5803)
Well now your getting into Fishing Report vs. Bragging Rights. There's a distinctive difference. There are some on the other board that thrive on bragging to the point that it gets them in a catch 22.

Reverb, I Brag all the time, then my wife explains to me there is a difference in my account and reality.:D

I would hope DNR and others have the same BS detector.

I have not been out except for one trip from a gracious host. However, when I do go out I will be guarded especially in PSCR The main reason is with the PSCR Fiasco. I have learned that politics is the name of the game in fisheries management,. This winter I have witnessed and learned a lot, good and bad about the system. One thing I can say for fact is that the latest debacle has educated a lot of recreational anglers. In my opinion this has ignited a fury of which the opposition has never seen. I am now aware of how things need to be represented and who needs to be contacted, and which individuals I need to surround myself with to have my voice and opinions herd.

Also I have to say I have had the privilege to meet a lot of like minded individual during the winter. I have appreciated and enjoyed everyone’s thoughts and oponions. I look forward to fishing with everyone since I know I have promised a trip to everyone I meet.

Once the kill season is in I am sure the blood and guts will be back to normal. I may even post a report of my own, if I am lucky enough to catch a fish.

drichitt 03-26-2010 08:40 PM

For whatever reason, I can't get over the fact that DNR, and others, used the reports that appeared on TF to gauge effort last spring. Right now, I believe that each time someone posts a PSCR report it also upsets the anti-PSCR crowd; they then run to DNR raising hell. There was (and is) a huge silent majority that want PSCR stopped entirely. I have to believe DNR and the PSCR-haters are watching both Tf and CBA right now and collecting more ammunition for next year's fight. DNR is counting the reports of those reporting and extrapolating an estimate for effort; where I come from this is referred to as a Wag (Wild Ass Guess). If they are applying the same logic as last year, fewer reports means less effort and maybe no further restrictions for 2011. They sure as hell weren't out in the field gauging effort last year. I have no facts to back this up. It is just my own personal feeling as a very close observer of the early days of the PSCR debate. When you add in the snipers and general complainers, sharing is tough to do during this time of year. I hate to admit it and it sucks, but EO got what he wanted:mad:....Don

drichitt 03-26-2010 08:46 PM


Originally Posted by Fish Nut (Post 5814)
I may even post a report of my own, if I am lucky enough to catch a fish.

A little birdy told me...If you are usng one of Fish Nut's 3oz mylar lures you should do fine.....Don

Baldzilla 03-26-2010 09:13 PM


Originally Posted by Fish Nut (Post 5814)
if I am lucky enough to catch a fish.

Wait, I've seen you catch a fish this year!!! Sandbagger :)

garlien 03-26-2010 10:41 PM

Damn...I dont look at the board for a few hours and boom...there goes the fishing report bomb...

Here is my report...I want to share with all..As someone said, I will rely on my expert fishing prowess to find another spot if mine are tapped out...(which I wish was the case one of these years, but hey I am not that lucky)

Only been out twice....One trip, short, out in the bay above the bridge...Didnt see birds, didnt see anything on the sonar, and sure as hell did not see any fish....

The other time I was lucky enough to hook into a decent sized striper in one of the tributaries...My dumb ass lost it as it got to the boat...The picture would have been posted...( hell I would have been proud, I admit it...) but as luck would have it I lost it....Still trying to get that one....

Going to try for a few hours tomorrow and the end of next week looks great...As soon as I get out more....I will sahre more...

Good luck to all this weekend...

Spot77 03-26-2010 11:57 PM


Originally Posted by Bug Guy (Post 5801)
I've said it before - I think anyone can post as little or as much as they want (or not at all). I personally like the reports, because often there is info about the "how" included, which I've learned a lot from, but to each is own. But...

Good point. I'm not so concerned with "where" the fish were caught. Chances are really good that I'll never make it to that spot anytime soon after the report anyway.

But "how" the fish were caught I find to be quite helpful. Lure info, and maybe depth /bottom contour info would be nice.

jumbo1 03-27-2010 03:19 AM

As far as fishing reports and bragging...they go hand in hand....just the way it is...after the season opens....who cares about reports...that's all you want...
Than they will have the annual Spring MSSA slaughter and things will be back to normal......:cool:

Reverb 03-27-2010 03:42 AM

Hell, it wasn;t that long ago, we didn;t have to post reports, we were all calling each other in on the bite, and we saw what others were catching.

Those days are few and far between now.:rolleyes:

Fish Nut 03-27-2010 07:02 AM


Originally Posted by Baldzilla (Post 5820)
Wait, I've seen you catch a fish this year!!! Sandbagger :)


Does, it count if you catch a fish on a Maycraft? We are on the Judge board:D

reeltor 03-27-2010 08:10 AM


Originally Posted by drichitt (Post 5815)
For whatever reason, I can't get over the fact that DNR, and others, used the reports that appeared on TF to gauge effort last spring. Right now, I believe that each time someone posts a PSCR report it also upsets the anti-PSCR crowd; they then run to DNR raising hell. There was (and is) a huge silent majority that want PSCR stopped entirely. I have to believe DNR and the PSCR-haters are watching both Tf and CBA right now and collecting more ammunition for next year's fight. DNR is counting the reports of those reporting and extrapolating an estimate for effort; where I come from this is referred to as a Wag (Wild Ass Guess). If they are applying the same logic as last year, fewer reports means less effort and maybe no further restrictions for 2011. They sure as hell weren't out in the field gauging effort last year. I have no facts to back this up. It is just my own personal feeling as a very close observer of the early days of the PSCR debate. When you add in the snipers and general complainers, sharing is tough to do during this time of year. I hate to admit it and it sucks, but EO got what he wanted:mad:....Don

Next on the agenda will be planer boards...

240 LTS 03-27-2010 08:58 AM

I'm not a "Troller" (nothing wrong with trolling :D) and don't typically fish down your way but the last time I checked, fish can swim. They are always on the move either for some lovin in the spring, food in the summer and fall and warmer water in the winter, in general terms.

I realize if you were to give the Lat / Lon of what you caught there would be fisherman (not anglers) making a bee line for the spot on their next trip.

Having said that, how long do you think fish stay in one spot in order for it to be "Burned".

For me, the answer is, water quality and temp, food and structure.
If something changes or makes the fish uncomfortable, they will leave.
And as we all (should) know, that can change by the hour.

To me there is more satisfaction, and it is harder to find the fish, then it is to catch the fish.

But what do I know, I don't troll.


Shawn Kimbro 03-27-2010 09:03 AM

I've already seen some pictures of fish on the decks, hands in gills, bleeding fish, etc. You can bet there are people out there just looking for those. I don't see problems with posting non-spot-burning reports, but best to use discretion. On the other hand, properly handled fish pics and reports emphasizing good C&R techniques could be helpful.

crabby and son 03-27-2010 07:05 PM


Originally Posted by Shawn Kimbro (Post 5842)
I've already seen some pictures of fish on the decks, hands in gills, bleeding fish, etc. You can bet there are people out there just looking for those. I don't see problems with posting non-spot-burning reports, but best to use discretion. On the other hand, properly handled fish pics and reports emphasizing good C&R techniques could be helpful.

Well there you's not what you do but how you do it. You can do most anything in life if you use discretion but remember " anything you say can be used against you!............Gary

Bug Guy 03-28-2010 02:34 PM

This is where I am torn - if they are gauging effort, won't next year's ammo be..."no one fishes it, there is no economic benefit to anyone, why have it at all"?

However, I really believe the DNR didn't (won't) extract effort from TF, they used the pictures to justify the changes made to the season based on the greed of other groups that have their ear. If they said - "hey, we are changing this because So&so group doesn't want it", they'd look mighty stupid rather than just mildly stupid. They use that as the excuse and will use whatever excuse they want - even if it is obviously bogus and is not based on any logical reason.

Time will tell.



PS - hope to get out this week if the weather will cooperate for 2 guys in an 18 aluminum cc, if not I'll have to wait another week.


Originally Posted by drichitt (Post 5815)
For whatever reason, I can't get over the fact that DNR, and others, used the reports that appeared on TF to gauge effort last spring. Right now, I believe that each time someone posts a PSCR report it also upsets the anti-PSCR crowd; they then run to DNR raising hell. There was (and is) a huge silent majority that want PSCR stopped entirely. I have to believe DNR and the PSCR-haters are watching both Tf and CBA right now and collecting more ammunition for next year's fight. DNR is counting the reports of those reporting and extrapolating an estimate for effort; where I come from this is referred to as a Wag (Wild Ass Guess). If they are applying the same logic as last year, fewer reports means less effort and maybe no further restrictions for 2011. They sure as hell weren't out in the field gauging effort last year. I have no facts to back this up. It is just my own personal feeling as a very close observer of the early days of the PSCR debate. When you add in the snipers and general complainers, sharing is tough to do during this time of year. I hate to admit it and it sucks, but EO got what he wanted:mad:....Don

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