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Mako mike 01-19-2016 09:26 AM

CB Angler challenge 2016
I have finally been able to find the person in charge who gives the permission to hold a striped bass tournament. I have sent a email to them today to hold such a tournament on Novermber 26,2016. This would be the Saturday following thanksgiving as agreed upon during our last meeting. I will notify Jim at BOE marine with our intent so that he is aware should DNR contact him regarding the tournament. I will need some help putting this FIRST striped bass tournament together so I am requesting anyone who would like to be a committee member to please contact me. I will keep everyone posted as to the success of the permit. Once we have it in our possession we can go forward with the plans. Keep our fingers crossed but I don't foresee any problems.

B-Faithful 01-19-2016 09:39 AM

Good to hear.

Should have asked me. It is under the charter section for some reason. Here is the page:

Mako mike 01-19-2016 10:04 AM


Originally Posted by B-Faithful (Post 21128)
Good to hear.

Should have asked me. It is under the charter section for some reason. Here is the page:

Tried calling number for weeks with no answer or voicemail. Finally found e mail.

Skip 01-19-2016 12:18 PM

I can help - not a big deal since it will be friendly contest.

Only advice - put everything ( rule wise ) in writing to avoid any confusion / bad feelings.

IMHO - all money is due up front. Seen too many " I'll be there " - not show up.

Cut off time at weigh site is the biggest thing to make clear. Often one window hour is allowed.

Mako mike 01-19-2016 12:50 PM

Thanks skip! I have chaired quite a few tournaments both inshore and offshore and you are 100% correct on having rules in writing and that each captain have a copy in their possession. As for being a friendly tournament, not so sure when Marty and Jason compete against each other things can get ugly! I'll let you know once DNR letter is in hand and organizing starts

Mako mike 01-19-2016 12:51 PM

I have notified Jim at BOE marine and got his blessing and he is willing to help anyway he can!

5th Tuition 01-19-2016 01:24 PM

1 Attachment(s)
The only problem I see is all of my crew will want to use their own boats:D Last Nov. I had Bruce (because he put his boat away early for a scheduled operation), Lolo (because his 27 was for sale/now he has a 36 build in progress), and Jay (because you thought he was a bad luck charm):D

I may have to go to a Home Depot parking lot to get a crew this year:)

Mike, you know I'll help out.

p.s. The photo is just for Mike:)

Mako mike 01-19-2016 02:56 PM

Nice picture. Did you check the copy rite on it before posting it!

bhl 01-19-2016 03:19 PM


Originally Posted by 5th Tuition (Post 21133)
The only problem I see is all of my crew will want to use their own boats:D Last Nov. I had Bruce (because he put his boat away early for a scheduled operation), Lolo (because his 27 was for sale/now he has a 36 build in progress), and Jay (because you thought he was a bad luck charm):D

I may have to go to a Home Depot parking lot to get a crew this year:)

Mike, you know I'll help out.

p.s. The photo is just for Mike:)

I will have to have Tawn and Doc. as crew.
After a few Natural Lights the conversations will keep me entertained and every fish will be a 50 X 50:D:D.
I'll help out any way I can, as I will be among the ranks of the retired folk.
One question. Will all of the crew members have to be CBA members or just the captain?

garlien 01-19-2016 06:38 PM


I am in for whatever you need as well. We have a great group and I am sure this is something we can keep going for years...Just need to make sure its the "un-tournament" tournament...Just like CBangler is to TF....

Have to make sure this is all about fun, friends, etc...While the awards will be nice, unless Marty always gets them, it is hanging out and sharing stories that makes it great.

And Marty, if any of us are smart this year, we will end up on your boat....


Gypsy Danger 01-19-2016 08:51 PM


Originally Posted by 5th Tuition (Post 21133)
The only problem I see is all of my crew will want to use their own boats:D Last Nov. I had Bruce (because he put his boat away early for a scheduled operation), Lolo (because his 27 was for sale/now he has a 36 build in progress), and Jay (because you thought he was a bad luck charm):D

I may have to go to a Home Depot parking lot to get a crew this year:)

Mike, you know I'll help out.

p.s. The photo is just for Mike:)

Marty I thought we agreed we were going to secretly fish 4 boats then load the biggest fish on your boat on your boat. This would give you the best opportunity to defend your title....damn you don't know how to keep your mouth shut!

All joking aside if you need assistance just let me know...I figure my boat should be ready right in time for this tournament

5th Tuition 01-19-2016 09:00 PM


Originally Posted by bhl (Post 21138)
I will have to have Tawn and Doc. as crew.
After a few Natural Lights the conversations will keep me entertained and every fish will be a 50 X 50:D:D.
I'll help out any way I can, as I will be among the ranks of the retired folk.
One question. Will all of the crew members have to be CBA members or just the captain?

Just be ready for Tawn to make the WHOLE crew get a 50x50 tattoo:eek:

All the crew doesn't need to be CBA members, Jay from our boat wasn't; Dale from Mike's boat either. If we open it up to a large group, even the captain may not have to be a member. Something we need to talk about.


Mako mike 01-28-2016 05:18 PM

Alright guys, communicated with DNR this week via email just checking that they received my e mail. Well they did and do not foresee a problem with our date and they will mail me a letter of approval within the first two weeks of February. I will post more once the letter is in hand and we can proceed.

Chessie27 01-28-2016 08:41 PM

Thanks for working on this for us Mike!!

longtrav 01-28-2016 08:57 PM

I don't have a judge but boe installed my thru hull. Does that mean I can enter?

5th Tuition 01-28-2016 09:30 PM


Originally Posted by longtrav (Post 21218)
I don't have a judge but boe installed my thru hull. Does that mean I can enter?

This never was a Judge only tournament. Last Nov. was our first attempt at a small tournament for members of CBA and their friends (no matter what make boat). We did have a tournament within a tournament for the Judge guys, but that had no impact on the CBA tournament.


longtrav 01-31-2016 10:24 AM


Originally Posted by 5th Tuition (Post 21220)
This never was a Judge only tournament. Last Nov. was our first attempt at a small tournament for members of CBA and their friends (no matter what make boat). We did have a tournament within a tournament for the Judge guys, but that had no impact on the CBA tournament.


I was just kidding

garlien 01-31-2016 11:03 AM

Lol...some of the largest white Perch I have ever seen.

Jalopy 02-01-2016 05:11 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Maybe we can shoot some pool after the tourney?

5th Tuition 02-01-2016 06:54 PM

No wonder I felt like I was half high:D

mlag 02-04-2016 12:29 PM

Saturday after Thanksgiving...........Marty always picks this date so he doesn't have to compete with "Ole Pinky":) He knows I will be 20 feet up a tree somewhere on the Eastern Shore. Sounds like I better have my portable cell phone charger with me that day

ReelTherapy 02-07-2016 01:25 AM

I'm game to help and participate any way I can. Agree that everything has to be in writing and provided in advance. Any plans to have a charity setup to support, or just for the hell of it amongst each other?

If there is any desire to bring some support to a local Maryland charity, and obviously if you guys haven't already partnered up with one in the past... The Yellow Ribbon Fund gets my vote. I've done some support work for them in the past year and as a vet myself, I think they'd be a great fit.

No worries either way. Just let me know how/if I can help.

Chessie27 02-07-2016 08:55 AM

I recommend my UNICEF fund and I will gladly deliver the cash in person.


:eek: :p:p:p

Gypsy Danger 02-07-2016 10:09 AM

Jeff while that is a worthy foundation I believe that my charity would be more worthy

Save the Laurence Gensler Foundation!

I'm like the Chesapeake Bay Foundation, I don't even try to hide the fact I'm ripping you off!

ReelTherapy 02-07-2016 11:15 AM


Originally Posted by Gypsy Danger (Post 21263)
Jeff while that is a worthy foundation I believe that my charity would be more worthy

Save the Laurence Gensler Foundation!

I'm like the Chesapeake Bay Foundation, I don't even try to hide the fact I'm ripping you off!

The great endangered Laurence Gensler is in dire need of our help! Just think, for $0.47 per day, you can get this endangered beast one moon pie or half a snickers bar! Don't let this one get away!

I'm his campaign manager so please first send all donations through me so I can purchase the appropriate snacky-snacks!

Mako mike 02-07-2016 05:16 PM

I was thinking of MS as a charity...... M ike S chulte

Chessie27 02-08-2016 11:17 PM

A creative bunch of bandits on this board .....;)

Mako mike 02-18-2016 08:33 PM

Spoke with Angel at fisheries yesterday and received follow up e mail today that we have been approved and should have confirmation letter in hand sometime next week. As soon as it is in hand I will notify Jim at BOE as he has been very anxious to promote the challenge. Also I will be looking for commitee members to vote on rules, etc so we can make this a tournament to remember. So if you know someone that can donate prizes, food for after party whatever, now is the time to start working on them. Will forward further info as soon as it is available!

Gypsy Danger 02-18-2016 09:03 PM


I will work on my end but I'm fairly certain I can a few $50 to $100 gift certificates donated!

Let me know what you need and I will work on my end to make it happen!

justchillin 02-23-2016 07:17 AM

Marty i usually do not fish my boat in fall tournaments usually too windy. So i'll be a walmart parking lot crewman for you lol. Hopefully my daughter is settled in and not calling daddy to move her again.

5th Tuition 02-23-2016 08:27 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by justchillin (Post 21324)
Marty i usually do not fish my boat in fall tournaments usually too windy. So i'll be a walmart parking lot crewman for you lol. Hopefully my daughter is settled in and not calling daddy to move her again.

Alan; when you backed out last year, you were replaced by "Good Luck Jay":D Alan, you always have a ride on my boat:)

My crew from last year will be competing against us this year:mad: Bruce had his hip surgery and could only "crew" with me; and Lolo sold his 27 and now has a 36 with twin outboards being built at Judge Yachts.
It looks like all the 27 Chesapeakes; Jason (Rockin Robin), Mark (Mlag), Alex (Overcooked), Dave (Flycatcher),Greg (Befaithful), Jim (PowerPlay), and I (5th Tuition); will have to gang up on the 36's (Jeff, Bruce, Lolo) to get the job done.

I might have to institute Rule #1 from the rules committee; no red Rock Hall hoses allowed:D Jeff is too deadly with these lures:eek:

No matter how small or large it gets; I hope we can apply the KISS principle (Keep It Simple Stupid).

So, save the date:) the Saturday after Thanksgiving. Lots of fun; cash prizes, possible electronic prize from Jim at BOE, and first prize will be GITMO (currently in negotiations with the White House about this one):mad:


photo of winning crew from last year

bhl 02-23-2016 09:07 AM

Damn that's a good lookin' crew !!! Oh yea and a nice fish too.

No Ragrets 02-23-2016 01:04 PM


Originally Posted by 5th Tuition (Post 21326)
Alan; when you backed out last year, you were replaced by "Good Luck Jay":D Alan, you always have a ride on my boat:)

My crew from last year will be competing against us this year:mad: Bruce had his hip surgery and could only "crew" with me; and Lolo sold his 27 and now has a 36 with twin outboards being built at Judge Yachts.
It looks like all the 27 Chesapeakes; Jason (Rockin Robin), Mark (Mlag), Alex (Overcooked), Dave (Flycatcher),Greg (Befaithful), Jim (PowerPlay), and I (5th Tuition); will have to gang up on the 36's (Jeff, Bruce, Lolo) to get the job done.

I might have to institute Rule #1 from the rules committee; no red Rock Hall hoses allowed:D Jeff is too deadly with these lures:eek:

No matter how small or large it gets; I hope we can apply the KISS principle (Keep It Simple Stupid).

So, save the date:) the Saturday after Thanksgiving. Lots of fun; cash prizes, possible electronic prize from Jim at BOE, and first prize will be GITMO (currently in negotiations with the White House about this one):mad:


photo of winning crew from last year

So is it only Jeff that is banned from using the Rock Hall Red tubes? I should be allowed since most Judge owners would consider me disadvantaged, since I own a Parker.

No Ragrets

5th Tuition 02-23-2016 03:40 PM


Originally Posted by No Ragrets (Post 21330)
So is it only Jeff that is banned from using the Rock Hall Red tubes? I should be allowed since most Judge owners would consider me disadvantaged, since I own a Parker.

No Ragrets

We have an orthopedic appendage that attaches to all the Parker fish we measure to help increase their length:D

Chessie27 02-23-2016 08:47 PM


Originally Posted by No Ragrets (Post 21330)
So is it only Jeff that is banned from using the Rock Hall Red tubes? I should be allowed since most Judge owners would consider me disadvantaged, since I own a Parker.

No Ragrets

Well damn, that should be a ragret, buying the wrong flavor boat!!! :eek: :p

Spot77 02-25-2016 08:40 PM

Well I already nixed the trip to Nashville for the year, so hopefully I'll be on Garlien's boat.

Would like to keep the event somewhat CBA related in that at least one person on each boat has to have been a contributing member here for at least a short time.

I know most of you guys have done and are doing some of the bigger, more serious tournaments, so maybe we could have just one that's more about the fun and shenanigans than purse size. :p

bhl 02-25-2016 08:51 PM


Originally Posted by Spot77 (Post 21347)
Well I already nixed the trip to Nashville for the year, so hopefully I'll be on Garlien's boat.

Would like to keep the event somewhat CBA related in that at least one person on each boat has to have been a contributing member here for at least a short time.

I know most of you guys have done and are doing some of the bigger, more serious tournaments, so maybe we could have just one that's more about the fun and shenanigans than purse size. :p

I agree. Since my crew from the last 2 years will be fishing their own boats, I think I will be looking for an all female crew this year. We may not win but I will have a great day. Any volunteers please send your credentials for review.

Tawn 02-27-2016 07:38 AM

Did some say Natural Light? :D

Chessie27 02-27-2016 08:14 AM

I'm in favor of a small entrance fee and keeping to CBA contributors. The beauty of this site vs say TF is that it is a small group of thick skinned, twisted friends that look out for one another. I certainly don't mind adding to that group, but don't think we need to blow it out completely. Maybe we mimic last year's perch challange, but for rockfish this year and do $50 or $100 a boat? It's more about the bragging rights and a good time. Just because Marty got a tattoo of a 15" white perch as a tramp stamp, doesn't mean the winner of this has to do the same though right?? :eek: :D

Tawn 02-27-2016 08:29 AM


Originally Posted by Chessie27 (Post 21352)
Just because Marty got a tattoo of a 15" white perch as a tramp stamp, doesn't mean the winner of this has to do the same though right?? :eek: :D

Whats one more tattoo ? :D

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