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5th Tuition 11-26-2017 10:41 AM

CBA Fishing Tournament Results
2 Attachment(s)
Well; to those of you who participated in the 2017 CBA tournament, I hope you didn't rock and roll all night long when you closed your eyes.

Although Mako Mike attended the weigh-in, he's still under the weather so I will give a synopsis of the day from my perspective.

It all started about a week ago while closely following the wind forecasts on my phone app (Sailflow) and my computer forecast (WeatherUnderground). Of course, a week out is too far for any decent prediction, but hey, with the tournament and the Judge Yacht Shootout trophy on the line, I couldn't help but start the process.
The winds looked "snotty" for sure, but we all held hope that it would change for the better as the week progressed. Each day I would check the wind forecast and try to do "something" to increase my chances of success. As I lay in bed attempting to sleep, thoughts of my final "spread" and lures would trickle into my brain.
Most of my rods and planer boards have not been used since the end of trophy season, so there was work to be done. Then, there was the comfort of my fishing buddies to think about. Can't forget the Mr Buddy heater in the morning to knock the chill out of the air before sunrise.
Little things would pop into my mind after my head hit the pillow. Remember the baseball bat to put a big fish to "sleep" before adding him to the fish box. Or, get the big fish ruler down to the boat to measure the "lunker" we were going to catch:eek:
As I prepped each day for the inevitable Trophy and some cash in my hand, Lucky Jay (Jay Shipley) kept walking past his boat on the "hard" collecting leaves and allowing the batteries to dwindle down to nothing. I would be re-tying knots, adding new shads to the spread, and finishing up any "loose ends" to get the boat in tip-top shape. Jay would walk down the pier with a beer in hand, and watch me and talk about Mako Mike's injuries and recovery. Jay was as laid back as a hippie hitchhiking to Woodstock:D
The weather forecast got better, but my app and computer couldn't agree:mad:
The app called for 12mph with gusts to 17 in the morning; the computer said 4-5 with gusts to 10mph. History led me to believe my phone app. It is the most pessimistic wind forecaster I have even seen. However, if it says 13mph, you can be pretty sure it's not going to be more than that; which is why I like using SailFlow.
The day before the main event saw Jason (Rockin Robin) in his 27 Judge picking up a few really nice fish below the bridge off of his full spread. It also showed Jeff (Justified) and Steve (No Regrets) do poorly above the bridge. So, if winds allowed, I was headed south to find my "monster".
Jay also felt it was time to "get his ass in gear" and while I was applying the final touches to my boat; Jay was scooping piles of leaves out of his boat:eek: I remained at the boat yard to help him launch his boat and as we dunked the trailer, he attempted to start the motors. Click, Click, Click
Not only were the batteries dead, they wouldn't even take a charge. He had to run out and buy two new batteries:mad: My final words to Jay that day before I left the boat was; "You better not win, I'm dotting each "i" and crossing ever "t" and you are scooping leaves out of your boat". Everyone preps differently :D

The night before the tournament, I needed two Advil PM capsules to get to sleep. I told my crew to meet at the boat at 6:30 so it would be light enough to run. I "of course" got there just before 6am to start the heater, scrape the frost off the windows, and get the board rods out in the rocket launcher.
My crew arrived a little early (if you arrive late, you may not get another invitation) and we pulled away from the slip at 6:28am; lights were on in Jay's house, but I didn't see any movement. As we motored out of Bodkin Creek, Jay's boat, and Mako Mike"s boat sat dark and lonely.

Just as I got past the 6 mile per hour limit marker in our creek, I got a text from Jason; (Seriously, it's windy down here, heading south is a challenge; or something to that effect). Damn:mad: Jason and I kid each other about fishing (like he won't tell us his secret spot), but I knew he wouldn't give me bad info about something as important as the weather conditions.
We poked our face out into the bay, and the conditions above the bridge were not bad. The Bay Bridge actually knocks down the winds a couple of miles an hour if the wind is out of the north or south. We could not only see (windows clear), but we could comfortably run about 24 mph south:D
As we approached the bridge, the conditions deteriorated. Once on the south side, we were lucky to push 16mph and stay comfortable. I was determined to start dropping lines no later than 7:30am. My plan was to be as far south as Bloody point, but at least below Thomas Point light.
Oh well; we dropped lines just below Tolly Point. Not where I wanted to be, but hey, bubba could be anywhere:eek: We had to set lines headed North because of the wind, by the time we were "all in" we were a lot further north than were I wanted to fish; so we slowly turned south and fought the wind while trying to control trolling speed. What a pain:mad:
We didn't troll too long before "fish on" was called. It was a short (something we would find all day).
SLOWLY, the wind conditions improved and I could go anywhere I wanted (at 3.5 mph). Several more "shorts" came over the gunnels.
Dale, captaining Mako Mike's boat (Reel Time) and Mike (Garlein) were in the same area. None of us were setting the world on fire, but both Dale and Mike did produce some "keeper" fish. I got tired of hearing Dale over the radio saying, "Fish On".
As time grew short, I had 40 lbs of ice in the box, with nothing to keep cold. We picked up lines and ran north of the bridge to try a couple of areas looking for at least something to put in the box. Finally, we ran out of time and headed home with our tails between our legs:eek:

It was great to see Mako Mike at the weigh-in; even though I'm not used to seeing him in a wheelchair:eek: Everyone waited for the 2pm deadline to open their coolers and produce their fish. Lucky Jay threw up a 25 incher to set the pace. Jason and his boys hoisted up a nice 31 inch fish to claim first place and also the Judge Shootout Trophy.
As time ran out, we saw Mako Mike's boat scream PAST the marina like a "bat out of hell":eek: A quick 180 turn got them back on track, and they came into the marina "hot" trying to make the weigh-in; but alas, they were too late. Their fish would have received 3rd place and helped Mako Mike reclaim some of his cost for fuel:eek:

Jason had the benefit of a "seasoned" crew consisting of his boys Darin and Brian. Let me tell you, these boys can fish. Jason has had them out on his Judge for a couple of years and they have each won prizes in the MSSA kids division. Jason has been a "sponge" and learned Chesapeake Bay fishing from a couple of the best rec fishermen around (Mark-Mlag). He earned the Tournament through pre-fishing a couple of days to fine tune his spread and scout some productive areas.

Jay; rolled out of bed, hoped his boat would start, and beat the pants off me and the other contestants. So who knows, maybe I have learned something from him as well. Next year, maybe I won't need two Advil PM's to sleep, and maybe I don't need to "fine tune" my spread down to the smallest detail.
But you know what; I will:D:D

Thanks Mike for putting on a great little tournament that is fun yet slightly competitive. When we first proposed the idea, Mike ran with it and got the necessary DNR documents and put together a "rules committee" (which is simply a reason to get together and drink a few cold ones). He receives all the entries and handles the money and even shows up to the weigh-in on his first official day out of the hospital. Now that's dedication:)

I hope to get down to clean up the boat tomorrow, I will check out Reel Time as well and clean her up for you if Dale did't get to her. Thanks Mike for all you did to make this year's CBA Tournament a success:D

Congrats to Jason and Jay for coming through on a tough day of fishing. To Dale, better luck next year (leave the fishing grounds 15 minutes earlier):eek:

I'll be looking to take back that Judge Shootout Trophy next year, and Jason will be up to the challenge to defend it:D

Stay safe fishing colder water, the season isn't over yet!!!

Bsuppin10 11-26-2017 11:25 AM

Congrats to the winners!!

Mako mike 11-26-2017 06:00 PM

Nice post Marty thanks for putting it up. I’m sorer than a whore on two for one nite from being up and out first day home from hospital and just chilled today. If you did work on the boat today i appreciate it as the guys on mine looked like they would have pretty big heads today. I want to thank everyone who participate each year and those that give me a hand with it. I was great seeing everyone briefly and thanks for the card a good wishes. As you saw I’m out for the rest of this season and possibly next. Looking forward to everyone’s reports posted here if the big guns make a showing. If your ever in the area stop by have a drink and visit. After the season if anyone wants helps straightening their stuff up or re tying for next year stop on in and I’ll give ya a hand. Good luck the rest of the season and stay safe. Believe me when I say your whole life can change in a blink of an eye, it has for me!!

5th Tuition 11-26-2017 06:57 PM

I'll be down the boat tomorrow to clean and bring some tackle home. I'll clean yours as well. I may have to borrow your stiff bristle deck brush to get the ground in dirt off my deck:D:D

Rockin' Robin 11-26-2017 11:16 PM

2 Attachment(s)
Thanks so much to Mako Mike, Marty, and Bruce for organizing the tournament.

Pre-fishing definitely paid off... I knew where there weren't any fish (north of 86) and I knew where there were fish (55-135' from Bloody Pt. and a few miles south)... But getting them to bite with a messed up very light incoming current was a different story.

22 lines in the water by sunrise a hair south of Bloody Pt. Shortly thereafter we had a small fish on board line close to boat but it wouldnt pop clip and lost it before even got clip to pop.

2 hours later about 930 we had a 31 incher in the box, also wouldn't pop clip and had to clear entire side to get to it because closest to board with 8 board lines on that side. Caught in 75' of water on chartreuse bloody point tandem.

Just before starting to bring in lines #2 went in the box about noon... Barely legal at 20.25".

Not only do I do all the prep that Marty described and more, but I have been running full spread since mid October and fished 3 other tournaments this fall so that when this one came up we would be ready to win!

Thanks to my Awesome Crew - Chad and my boys Brian and Darin!

Looking forward to hanging the Judge Shootout Plaque in my office and defending the title next year!

bhl 11-27-2017 07:47 AM

Mako Mike, thanks for lining up the tournament.
Congratulations to Jason and crew and Lucky Jay.
It's always a fun day on Marty's boat even if we didn't get the big one.
Marty, thanks for letting me tag along again this year, I promise I will be on my own boat next year, and I will be in the hunt for the plaque.
Great to see everyone again and happy holidays to all.

Chessie27 11-27-2017 09:01 PM

Big THANK YOU to all those who were involved. I was glad Mako Mike was able to make it to the weigh in even if he couldn’t fish.

Congrats to Jason and Jay on their winnings!!!

Maybe next year we try to do this a little earlier in the season, while there are more decent sized fish around?????

Spot77 11-28-2017 04:26 PM

Sorry for the late reply.......I'm still recuperating from the awesome weekend. :cool:

We didn't have any keepers to weigh in so we decided to stay out and fish the rest of the day. While we had jigged up tons of shorts, we didn't catch a darn thing north of the bridge....well except for a visit from a very attractive Coast Guard young lady. Garlien can give his impression......but I'm pretty sure He rated her higher than Kate Upton. :eek: All was well though. I was driving the boat when we got

With "No Violations Found" and our successful inspection paperwork in hand we were on our way to one final spot to fish before calling it a day just before dark. Thanks for running a tight ship, Mike; I was glad everything was in order while I was at the wheel.

I think we were on the water for almost 11 hours. Yikes.

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