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5th Tuition 09-12-2011 11:55 AM

Diamond Jim Question
I'm looking for your opinion. I don't know the answer to this, I'm just throwing out some speculation.

I just read the Md Fishing Challenge headline off Tidalfish. I do a fare amount of fishing off of either a charter boat (mate) or private boats. In all the years I have fished, I have only seen a couple tagged fish caught. All of these fish have been "research" fish that were tagged to follow migration patterns and growth patterns. None have been involved with the "Diamond Jim" program.

It appears that 200 fish were tagged for the Diamond Jim effort (199 imposters and 1 Diamond Jim). Only 11 of the fish were re-caught. This represents 5.5% of the fish released.

Here's my question. Is 5.5% a suficient return? Where are the other 94.5% of the tagged fish? If this is a program designed to entice anglers to Maryland, shouldn't we have a higher chance of catching at least an "imposter".

I would think Maryland would be looking for something about 20% imposters caught in order to make the program viable.

Each year they advertise the Diamond Jim program, I could care less because the program seems so impossible to win. When was the last Diamond Jim caught?

I like the fishing challenge, where anyone who catches a citation fish is entered. It encourages people (especially first timers) to register their catch at a bait store and receive a citation.

I know the chances of catching a Diamond Jim Imposter is better odds than the lottery, but actually catching THE Diamond Jim may be less.

Do we need to tag more fish to keep the Diamond Jim program viable?
5th (Marty)

garlien 09-12-2011 12:13 PM


Funny you brought that up...I was thinking about that a few days ago...

Scott and I have been on a tear lately....and have had decent years over the past few...I remember one "Toilet Flush" post that someone had landed one, and maybe a newspaper article....Thats about it....

I know there are a ton of fish out there, even thought a lot of them are in nets....:(

But how can these fish go completely unfound, unless, as you say, there are way too few of them....I have never personally seen a tagged fish or known someone who has.....

I agree the citation part of the challenge is great, althought I think that with a good digital picture of the fish, its measurements, and a witness that the same citation should be given out as if you took the catch to the "approved"
citation site....Us C n R folks deserve to be treated well too....


Skip 09-12-2011 03:11 PM

Marty - I'm involved in a couple volunteer fish tagging programs and asked same question.

Most times - no matter the species - a 3-5 % return is expected.

There are some variables that come into play.

#1 - Tag has to be legible for return. Some tags wear away after a long time. I've seen Tautog tagged off OC be nipped at by other Tog. They nip away much of the tag.

#2 - Whom ever recaptures it - must turn in the tag or call it in. The shark tags I use have instructions printed in about 7 different languages. Imagine a tagged shark caught far away by some one without education.

#3 - Whom ever recaptures the fish must be willing to call it in. Some commercial fisheries will not return tags - in fear recapture info could lead to less quotas.

I think there were more then 11 Diamond Jim tagged Rock caught. Heard 4-5 were disqualified :confused::confused:.

I've caught a few tagged Rockfish - most were at large for over 18 months.

I think a few years ago - a Diamond Jim Rock was caught in January at CBBT.

5th Tuition 09-12-2011 03:57 PM

I'm not saying it's a bad program, I'm just saying that the chance of catching Diamond Jim is so slight, that I can't get excited about the event.

If Maryland wants to use the Diamond Jim event to entice anglers from others States to fish Maryland waters, the chance of winning should be greater.

Like I said, I can't remember the last time Diamond Jim was caught.


Spot77 09-12-2011 10:30 PM mom asked me about this the other day after I told her how well we've been doing lately and showed her a few pictures of my son holding a few nice Rockfish he brought in.

I'd like to see a whole bunch of smaller prizes given rather than one big prize.

If there were 500 $2,000 fish out there you bet I'd be more interested in the program.

Although right now I think we're fishing every possible minute we can already.:cool:

dwcustomrods 09-13-2011 03:35 AM

I have some questions about this program and not sure if it has been covered or not. They do this every year and only say a maxium of 20 out off 200 is caught. When the next year comes and say another 200 are released, how do you even know if you have a fish that is in the running? Is the other 180 from the year before and years prior even included? Meaning the fish from previous years, are they still included into the Diamond Jim for that year?

I have never caught a tagged fish so I don't know anything on this. I'm guessing the tag colors change from year to year?

reds 09-13-2011 06:10 AM

First off, are you even eligible at all?
One trip as a mate and the commercial stamp is applied.

As far as number of fish, 200 is plenty. The lacking is advertisement. Not enough.

The Maryland Charterboat Association doesn't even have it on their website home page.

Skip 09-13-2011 02:05 PM

DW - Don't hold me to it but I think DNR offers a small prize for Diamond Jim tags after contest ends.

Must be full moon - as I agree 100% with Reds :D about the contest needing much more publicity / media coverage.

Charters could really promote it - get a client an award size fish , safe bet they'll book again.

How hard would it be to print up fliers and put them in baitshops , liquor stores , donut shops , strip clubs :D , sporting good stores , gas staions , 7-11 / WaWa , ice houses , etc - all places fishermen go to.

How many know the 2012 contest is now open ? Award size fish caught now count in the next contest. Think late November and a 40 inch Rock or December for a fat 13 inch White Perch or January for a 14 inch Yellow Perch.

Great chance to get into the contest plus FREE admission to everyone in your car to the Seafood Festival.

Heck of a deal for a FREE contest.

5th Tuition 09-13-2011 04:47 PM

Skip; putting flyers in strip clubs is a BAD idea.

How many drunks can you see checking strippers for tags:eek:.


Spot77 09-15-2011 08:15 AM


Originally Posted by Skip (Post 11212)
DW - Don't hold me to it but I think DNR offers a small prize for Diamond Jim tags after contest ends.

Must be full moon - as I agree 100% with Reds :D about the contest needing much more publicity / media coverage.

Charters could really promote it - get a client an award size fish , safe bet they'll book again.

How hard would it be to print up fliers and put them in baitshops , liquor stores , donut shops , strip clubs :D , sporting good stores , gas staions , 7-11 / WaWa , ice houses , etc - all places fishermen go to.

How many know the 2012 contest is now open ? Award size fish caught now count in the next contest. Think late November and a 40 inch Rock or December for a fat 13 inch White Perch or January for a 14 inch Yellow Perch.

Great chance to get into the contest plus FREE admission to everyone in your car to the Seafood Festival.

Heck of a deal for a FREE contest.

Well....we're sort of paying for it....:D

I'd like to see more promotion too. I don't recall seeing much about it anywhere except on these types of forums. A good start would be the PSG in Feb, and the Tri State show down in deale. Both of those were great events with a lot of turnout and I think DNR alreay attends both.

Same with the Timonium fishing expo....if it's even on again this coming year.

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