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Old 02-24-2011, 11:39 AM
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Shawn Kimbro Shawn Kimbro is offline
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Originally Posted by B-Faithful View Post
However I am sure it was easy to figure out where we were as a boat sunk the next day in the same area giving it a lot of attention.
Yeah, and I yelled at Kevin about that too!

Got a story... when I first moved here a lot of people helped me learn to fish so I felt like I needed to return some favors and burned pretty much every spot I found. I got a Pmail one day from a guy who politely asked me to be more discrete. It pissed me off. The nerve of this as*h**e I didn't even know telling me what and what not to write online. But something he said in that message started nagging at me. He said, "I used to fish that Upper Bay spot, but the last time I tried there were fourteen boats there running their radios, engines, and shouting back and forth."

It hadn't occurred to me that for every boat I put on the fish I had ruined the spot for just as many or more good fishermen. For me, it was an "aha!" moment. I stopped being so specific and next thing I know, people I never even heard of were calling and pmailing to share information with me. My fishing success improved tenfold and I made it a point to always return the favors. One of those guys who shared with me was the same as*h**e who sent me that Pmail that pissed me off so bad. It turned out to be Jamie and we've since become very good friends and fishing partners.

Please take it in good faith, guys. Do what you think is best but there's nothing more valuable than a good fishing network and friends on the water are priceless.
Fishing the Bay Bridge area onboard the Judge 27CC "Thunder Road"
Like Bluegrass? "Shawn's MySpace Music" Chesapeake Light

"Catch & Release - A picture is worth a thousand fish"

Last edited by Shawn Kimbro; 02-24-2011 at 11:41 AM.
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