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Old 02-25-2011, 11:50 PM
Mark Mark is offline
Join Date: Dec 2010
Posts: 33

Originally Posted by Hockleyneck View Post
I personally do not like to see the waterman losing a source of income, but it would appear they are going to lose it anyway. I was shocked to see the graph that shows rockfish numbers dropping off the cliff and the continued pressure will be unsustainable. The DNR did make changes to the pre season trollings regs, and I think more regs are coming. You can also bet the commercial guys will be pounding on the DNR to get some rec limitations. My money is on more regs for both the commercial and recreational groups are coming, and I am okay with that.
Im ok with new regs for the groups for the health of the species founded in science. Last years regs were founded in retaliation, and if watermen get pissed off at the recs over this and politically pushes for more restrictions as revenge, and they are enacted with no scientific evidence, we are back to square 1. If recs are selfish, watermen will be selfish, and the giant pissing contest just gets more heated and more ridiculous restrictions get pushed. The pissing spillover creates rec on rec infighting, waterman on waterman issues, and rec on watermen issues We should all work together towards compromise and proper fisheries management or no one wins. I vowed after last year i would not get involved in these issues, and im trying to keep that promise I am not going to post anymore on the subject, but will watch it very closely Just a concerned citizen and fisherman.
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