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Old 05-07-2011, 06:45 AM
Hockleyneck Hockleyneck is offline
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Posts: 163

Originally Posted by drichitt View Post
I talked with Mlag and they trolled down the bay until just off the power plant (opps...burned that spot) and worked their way back north to the CR. Caught one 30" fish at the very end. At last communication with Hockleyneck (Rich), Mark indicated they were struggling as well. Not sure if the fish are as sick of this dirty water as we are, but I would say we are well past the peak. Solomons is probably where you need to go....Don
We had a rough day as well. Set lines about a mile north of 78 and headed south. After looking around 78 with not even a knockdown, we went up the east side of the False Channel. Went all the way to the "Goal Posts" not sure of the buoy numbers but its the red and green cans right across from one another marking the northern end of the FC. Worked the western edge and headed south back towards 78. Looked around the mouth of the FC without a bump. A buddy was going to the O's game and we had to pull lines at 1:00 so we trolled north . Pulled lines at 78A without a knockdown. This was my annual trip with some buddies from college so its was disappointing not to have any action. Saw Mark and was thinking he was going to have a long run back to the South River.
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