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Old 05-13-2011, 06:28 PM
5th Tuition 5th Tuition is offline
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Location: Linthicum,Md
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Back to fishing

Earlier, I posted "What a difference a day makes"; today it's "What a difference a half mile makes".

Today we planned to launch Allen's 23 Proline Express at Breezy (we were afraid we wouldn't make it under the Ches. Beach bridge at high tide). We met several TF'ers/CBAnglers in the parking lot of the WaWa store in Edgewater. They were also launching from Breezy. When we arrived at Breezy we saw yet another group of TF'ers/CBAnglers. We all planned to keep in touch and hopefully one of us would run into a large amount of bait and pass it on.
The winds were out of the south and we had some steady 3 footers in our face. Our plan to run any distance was squashed. We slugged our way south until we couldn't stand it any longer, and we dropped lines before we got to our original destination.
The planner boards danced like marionetts on the end of a string, but they never flipped or faltered. Occassionally, they would either leap out of a wave and fly into the next one, or surf down one side of a roller and up the other.
Bait, bait, bait, where was a good concentration? We trolled south into the fray without success. Eventually we turned north east for a "kinder" troll. After about 45 minutes of being pushed north by the tide and wind, we received a call from a friend. They had found bait and fish. Where was it, a half mile south of where we turned around. Now trolling into the wind and tide, I thought we would never get to the spot.
Sure enough, bait was plentyfull and we got a hit on one of the planner lines. It was already predetermined that I got the first fish. I've handled lots of fish this season, but have yet to bring in my own. A nice 34 inch fish was placed in the box, and we trolled around watching bait on our screen but unfortunately, we had lost the tide.
We rode back to Breezy with only one to show for our efforts, but Allen and Lou were glad I had some pullage. Back at Breezy, the water was into the parking lot and Allen had to wade across to get the truck. Lou and I stayed in the boat until Allen pulled us into a dry portion of land, and hopped out and into the truck for the ride home.
If we had just "stayed the course" and gone a little further south on our original track, I'm certain we would have picked up more fish.
Oh well, we made the best of the outing, and brought dinner home too.
Thanks Allen for the invitation:
5th (Marty)
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