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Old 10-12-2011, 02:01 PM
reds reds is offline
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Originally Posted by gullfinder View Post
----We are a Nursery State For ALL the East Coast--We RAISE , Striped Bass, Bluefish, G & Speckled Trout , Flounder, & the fish in question , Alewies---

---Blues & Alewies Hatch in Ocean & come into upper Bay waters to Semi-Mature --E. G.--Peanut Bunker & Pocket Rocket Blues --Its OK for us to grow Em Till they leave at First Frost ---BUT< BUT,

--The Reduction Fleet BELOW IN VA. Intercepts The MATURE ALEWIES & then we ( Fishermen & Preadator Fish ) DO NOT have the Mature Alewies to feed our Needs ---
--Large Blues (Gorrillas)--16--24 Pounds Stay below where Food Is Plentiful --Grey Trout ( Tiderunners)up to 16 Pounds No longer Come North with the Spring Rockfish Migration --Same Reason --Door Mat Flounder no longer enter into that Migration --Same Reason --

--The Mature Alewies Are Filter Feeders , --we have NONE--Oysters are Filter feeders --we have few or NONE,---Alewies ? --Strong STATE & FEDERAL LOBBY --Headed by ________some of ya like me know who this --_____________ IS !!!!Reedsville Needs the local Income , Va. Needs the TAX base--Is it fair to Believe this will Change --HELL NO!!!!--BUT if the Early Spring Migration North of the Mature Fish was Allowed by a Season's ASMFC DATE Change on the Netting Fleet , we then WOULD get a Fair Share up North --I'm Sure the ASMFC " Suits " are aware of this ---But the Intestinal Foritude is Lacking & the ole "You scrach my back & i'll Scratch Yours" VOTE mentality is at its Formost of thier thoughts --The hell with Maryland's Fisheries wants & needs & 3 Decades of Requests on this SAME SUBJECT !!!!---

--As to the OYSTER FILTER filtering situation --We , Listned to the DOO GOODERS & TREEHUGGERS & closed the Restoration of Shells Projects on Maryland Bottoms ---WASTE OF MONEY it was Cried from the rooftops ---B S --If a oyster Spat dosen't Start , So Be It it ,You have provided a New HARD BOTTOM for Pan Fish , Flounder, Rockfish, Trout ,Black Sea Bass, Oyster Toads, Lizzard fish etc. to Live & Feed --the "BLUE RIDGE MOUNTIAN" Sized oyster shell accumulation in Crisfield Is a Shamefull Example of "State wasted Money" save em but never use um --We don't have PLASTIC BOTTLE Mountains in Md. --Why Oystershells ?---
---So what is Our East Coast Classic Answer , Ignore it it will go away--A meeting once in a while---A few Bucks for another Study ---Let Maryland Fisheries Continue to Stew in thier own Silt laden World ---Provided At No Charge by Penna.--
--In Closing --

--No Mature Bait fron the South --Plenty of Pollution & Silt From the North --We are a Forgiveing bunch Huh?---Wait till the Spring Hearings before the ASMFC -It will be get on your Knees & Pray for a Few of THIER FISH ---geo.
So what you are saying is let the bait fisherman, crabbers and charter fishermen take the hit with the reduction Industry.

I don't agree. Any reduction in harvest should be aimed specifically at the Reduction Industry and the bait fishermen should be exempted.

This is not the case as proposed and the Bay Foundation, MSSA and CCA is perfectly willing to through them under the bus to get at the cause of this problem.
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