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Old 11-14-2009, 10:51 AM
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B-Faithful B-Faithful is offline
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This over-zealousness and extremism without good justification must be fought. They are greatly taking away access and opportunity on a fishery they dnr fisheries director doesnt think is having a significant impact or is a problem at current levels. This is an appeasement of particular groups. I understand that neither option has the backing from either the CCA or the MSSA. Hopefully recreational anglers will stand together on this issue and rectify injustices. We make up the largest user group and have the largest economic impact of all the user groups.

Should this process fail us, there are options such as a well-organized protest to purchase out of state fishing licenses that have reciprocity to Maryland waters or a boat and trailer parade around state circle with media involement (and attention to other fisheries). Of course there are other actions we can take as well.
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