Thread: Shoes
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Old 10-31-2011, 05:14 PM
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Originally Posted by 5th Tuition View Post
Wow, what an exciting title for a post. Last Monday was probably the last day to wear my boat shoes. For years I've been looking for the perfect summer shoe. It had to be water resistant, comfortable, didn't leave marks on the deck, and didn't STINK.
I never thought I would ever wear sandals. I grew up a "tennis shoe" kid. Some made you "jump higher and run faster" (PJ Flyers) and some were even stylish.
I never liked the sandals that show your toes. Some people just don't know when to hide body parts. That being said, I found KEENS two years ago and hardly ever take them off. Keens have a covered toe and also fit my other requirements. This year, I even had a "fishing" pair, and a "dress" pair for off the boat.
People at my community pool laugh at my feet because I actually have suntan lines that look similar to zebra stripes from the Keen's.
With this cold snap (and possible snow) it appears the Keens get put away for the winter.
Yesterday, I wore my L.L.Bean Duck Boots and can't wait for next April/May to get back into my Keens.

What have you found to be the "perfect" boat shoe for you?

Sorry; It's a rainy day, thus all the posts.
Marty, Marty, Marty, They were PF Flyers not PJ Flyers.........sorry to moderate you again but I got nothing better to do...........Gary
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