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Old 12-08-2011, 08:30 PM
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Default Good joke for Christmas parties

Tis the season for those awful Christmas parties - the ones you have to attend.

Old Greaseman bit is a great joke to pull on boring stuck up types.

Timing is everything - bide your time until it's just right.
Perfect set up is when some one tells of going on vacation to - anywhere , does not matter.

You comment how you went there when you first began dating your wife. Lay it on thick about how strong the drinks were and how crazy the place is.

Tell about meeting the couple in the next room and how one thing lead to another and before you knew it - you ended up swapping for the night.

Kinda shake your head - like remembering fond times. Take your time - they are not going anywhere.

Explain how you did it on the beach , then on a palm tree. Tell about going back to the room and doing it in the shower and against the mirror. Add in any twisted thing you can think of - the more graphic , the better.

End your tale by telling how you were laying in bed as morning sun broke - totally spent , bitten and sore and could hear your wife moan in the adjoining room.

Now this part takes practice to get exactly right.

Tell how your new lover rolled over and smiled at you and said - Sounds like the girls are getting along good too .

Then finish your drink and walk slowly away.
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