Thread: 3-29-2012
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Old 03-30-2012, 12:46 PM
Capt. Charlie Capt. Charlie is offline
Join Date: Mar 2012
Location: Tilghman Island MD.
Posts: 55

Marty....You DO move pretty quick for an old guy! I knew it was over when you started throwing those shoulder blocks! I just wanted to correct one item in your post. I said "I wouldnt give a plug-nickle for that contraption". If I hadn't seen it for myself, I wouldn't have believed it ! It pulls like a 5gal bucket but MAN, it sure catches fish! You could probably use it as a drift-sock in a pinch! He,He.
Let's do that dinner thing at John's place, sooner rather than later. The season is getting close!
Thanks again for the invite, it was another great trip on the PP.
Capt.Charlie Schneider
Big Will Charters, Dogwood Harbor, Tilghman Is.
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