Thread: Need a friend!
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Old 03-31-2012, 07:49 AM
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Originally Posted by ste6168 View Post
Drafting eh? Usually works pretty good for the Nascar guys, you have any luck?

I would have to say, for a last minute trip, we did pretty good today. Wen't out with one of my prior students dads and caught 3, missed one. Last night after work, I went out with a buddy and did the same, caught 3 missed one. All fish over 30" (smallest at 32") with one coming in at 42". Being that I am on spring break and don't work all next week (did I mention any of the benefits of being a teacher), I will hopefully be fishing everyday next week. Deal is still on the table for anyone trying to brave the elements

Here are a couple pics...
I'd say you had a pretty nice day, for sure.

We got the lines out around 11:30 and had a great fish on at exactly 1pm. I had been driving the boat for 90 minutes with no hits and I was getting hungry. So I said to Mike, "I'd better grab a piece of chicken and start eating so we can get a hit." Sure enough, I was about 2 bites into it went the starboard side parachute started screaming out line and the rod was shaking back and forth like Stevie Wonder on crystal meth. Mike grabbed the rod and had about 2.7 seconds to feel the fish fight until the line snapped. That was about 1/4 mile north of the bridge over in the east channel. We saw tons of bait from 10' down to 40'. About 15 minutes after the fish broke off, the boat started running poorly, having trouble running at trolling speed.

I started thinking back to when we left the dock. We stopped for fuel and the fella at the fule dock said, "You're lucky, we haven't gotten this year's delivery yet so the gas is still at last year's price." "Awesome!" said Mike, since it's his boat and he was paying for the fuel. "Oh crap," I was thinking to myself, knowing of the dangers of 6 month old gas and its potential effects on motors.

We pulled the lines since we were starting to have to troll at 9 mph just to keep the boat running. Then it died. Got it restarted and man it was running rough. Made it to just off of Sandy Point when we decided to anchor and call for a tow.

Hopefully it's as simple as replacing the fuel filter and Startron'ing the tank to death.

I'll be in DC all ay Monday and pond hopping with some high school buddies on Tuesday. Probably attend to the "honey do" list on Wed. But Thursday or Friday might be a possibilty to get out if the weather cooperates a little.
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