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Old 06-12-2012, 08:40 PM
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Spot77 Spot77 is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: Kent Island - Near Romancoke Pier
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Gonna' be crowded on the water.....No doubt there will be some drunk fools crossing your lines.

Mike and I have fished together for quite a few years now, and we've seen our share of bad seamanship out there.

But this year was the first year I ever lost my temper and yelled at some lard ass who drove his little bowrider within 25 feet of the stern of our boat WHILE WE WERE TROLLING.

The guy was clueless. And double my size. That's how pissed I was.

"Hey fat ass, can't you see the ****ing fishing rods, the lines out, or at least the big white goddamned boat right in ****ing front of you?"
CBA - Invite your friends!
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