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Old 07-31-2012, 12:23 PM
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Spot77 Spot77 is offline
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Default Thinking about a community fishing tournament....

So I got myself stuck in charge of our community's beaches and parks, and one of the things I've wanted to do was to increase the number of, and broaden the types of events we have at our facilities.

We have 5 beaches and parks, 3 marinas and a terrific boat ramp.

A few weeks ago Garlien and I entered the Boulevard Park White Perch Tournament and that got me thinking (a dangerous thing for sure...)

I think I'd like to host a similar event here next year. We have ample parking for 30+ trucks and trailers, and I assume many participants already have their boats in the water. And some would likely come from out of the community.

We have nearly 2500 homes in the neighborhood,but at this point it's hard to gauge community interest.

You can see a little of the ramp and about half of the parking lot by going to the website, click on virtual tour and then choosing the secong video down, "marinas."

So I'm thinking of doing it as a fundraiser for Wounded Warriors or some other worthy cause. Split the money raised 50/50 between the top 3 winners and the chosen charity. And of course there would be a Calcutta for those interested.

So has anyone here done anything like this? I'd love to hear from everyone whether you've done it. participated in one, or not.
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