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Old 07-15-2013, 04:07 PM
Tawn Tawn is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2013
Posts: 329

FWIW...Here is what works for us in no particular order.

1. Find a ledge or drop off and zig-zag along it watching the meter.

2. We only anchor up on solid marks. Sometimes it's a clear cut, no mistaking it, big school of rockfish, other times it may only be 3 or 4 marks but never set up without seeing something to work on first.

3. There are times when we have spent hours looking around before ever dropping down a bait.

4. Rarely ever have we had a "wide-open" live lining day in a crowd....we intentionally get away from the fleet. Sometimes we don't even have to get that far away.....sometimes just getting 1/8 - 1/4 mile away makes all the difference.

5. If we set up and don't at least have a run-off within 15-20 minutes, we pull up and keep looking. We have had minimal success trying to "wait out" the fish.

6. If it's one of those beat your head against the wall kind of days, try chumming with a few cut up or even live spot on marks that refuse to bite...just be aware that as the bluefish get thicker this will have diminishing return.

Hope this helps.
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