Thread: Pissed Off
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Old 12-23-2013, 11:32 AM
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Originally Posted by 5th Tuition View Post
The last post from this thread was September. Fast forward to last Friday. Trial was set for Dec. 20th, and I guess the outcome is a matter of public record.

The guy who stole our electronics (from several boats) plead guilty and he will be spending several weekends behind bars. He also has to reimburse all of the victims for the equipment that was not recovered. Lastly, he will be on probation for 18 months. Restitution is part of the probation. If he hasn't paid restitution in 6 months, he goes back behind bars for his remaining 12 months.

The court set it up that way because so often restitution is awarded but not received.

I just thought I'd let you know the outcome of the case. Several people on both CBA and TF had a part in apprehending him.
5th (Marty)
While out checking our beaches one night last month I walked down to a remote area where kids like to drink and get their freak on. It's absolutely pitch black down that way and one has to travel a path through tall phragmites to get there. Getting closer I saw a big white shape on the beach. I thought, "Oh great, I'm gonna' have to break up a young love fest" as it looked like a few blankets spread out and some people underneath. Got closer and hit it with my flashlight....It was a rigid bottom inflatable that had washed up on the beach.....a very nice one.

Someone had popped the air release on one side of the boat, but not the other. I called one of our officers to help me get it up to level groud so I could secure it. Didn't want it floating away with high tide and becoming a hazard, or having the local hooligans setting it adrift.

Called DNR the next day. It had been reported stolen about a week earlier by one of B-Faithful's neighbors. The boat was stolen right off of their lift. The 9.9 was stolen off of it and then it seems the thieves tried to sink the boat.

Anyway,we contacted the owner and trucked the boat to the owner's house the next day. No damage to the boat, but it sucks to have to buy another outboard for it.

The power was OFF on the lift, so whoever stole it had to yank it off a lift that was nearly 4 feet above the water.

Brazen little punks.

Wonder if it could be the same people that stole from Marty's marina? I hope DNR was smart enough to do the math and check it out at least.
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