Thread: BPS gift cards
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Old 01-16-2014, 08:53 AM
reds reds is offline
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Originally Posted by 5th Tuition View Post
Reds, it won't affect the charter captains too much. If you have a six pack, that's 18 rods. If the captain and mate are included, that's 24 rods.

Unfortunately, it is I, the little guy who is affected the most. If I take out two of my buddies, that's a max of 9 rods I can troll.
What I foresee happening, is that I will be forced to carry more anglers on my boat. How do I do this, one way (which I haven't done in the past) is to start posting for HO's.
In the past, when I took people out on my boat, expenses were on me. Now, if I have to start carrying 5 people in order to run 15 rods. I need to request HO's.
Charter captains were upset when a few guys posted for HOs, I can see why they thought this cut into their business, but now, HO requests are going to go through the roof. How else am I going to get four other people during the week on my boat without using the Internet?
This is a bad law. We need to get it repealed quickly.
It is also bad for those jigging. Right now, they are thinking, this doesn't affect me. I use one rod. Wait until they see 20 other boats jigging in their spot that holds a max of 5 boats. All the "googans" will be running their motors, stomping on the decks, and causing havoc.
Do they really think I am going to be trolling the channel with 6 rods. He'll no, I have a GPS and a map onboard. I can see where the drop offs and rips are created. I know where the bay bridge pilings are
Look for me and my fellow trollers to be shoulder to shoulder with you competing for the same fish.
This is a bad law, and it's a damn shame the way it was snuck into action.
I'm sure this is only one of many rants forthcoming from me.
Stay tuned
It will affect charters, because not all parties are 6 or more.
On opening day, my party consists of 2 people. Has been for years. We usually limit out by 8 or so and back in before the madness gets to bad.
That will all change with being able to only use 6 rods.
250 years of Eastern Shore heritage.
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