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Old 12-01-2009, 01:58 PM
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der Fischadler der Fischadler is offline
Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: Montauk, NY
Posts: 37
Default Convenient Conservationists

As a casual bystander, here's my take on this topic;
Several of you were very vocal on TF when the pre-season C&R issue was presented. A couple weeks later, the same individuals are posting pictures of dead large cows which were full of roe and would spawn in a couple of months.
It comes across as hypocritical to some. It gives the appearance that certain people only jumped on the C&R bandwagon after they thought that their particular type of pre-season fishing was in jeopardy. Practice what you preach if you don't want to be criticized and lose credibility. For example; don't tell everyone to release all 40" fish and then post a report with a 44" fish that was killed.
I believe that no one should be chastised for posting fishing reports (i.e. do what you want as long as it is legal and moral). However; keep in mind that C&R means more to some people than just some type of regulation, it is a philosophy and approach to fishing that is practiced year round.
Shoot the messenger if you want, but that's the way it looks from my perspective.

Last edited by der Fischadler; 12-02-2009 at 07:58 AM.
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