Thread: 12/23.. Plo
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Old 12-26-2014, 08:53 AM
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B-Faithful B-Faithful is offline
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My crew was great that day. I was just frustrated between running in the fog, the lack of bite, and the difficulty locating even good marks. Plus I was frustrated with myself that I didnt stick to my own game plan of continuing to go south. Running back to the ramp after finding a bite was a bit frustrating but the guy didnt look good. He evidently had the flu with a fever all weekend.

I didnt discount the trip due to a lack of action, which I wasnt sure if I should have done. After all I ran A LOT more than I planned burning a lot of fuel, plus the nerve racking headache of running in the fog all day under radar (I do have very very good radar with MARPA). My one buddy who charters said I shouldnt have discounted given the effort as he has been to the Orioles games and they have been blown out before without getting a discount. It was just a disappointing trip after having such HUGE success after the last month plus down there. (it was easy fishing though.. Just follow the birds).

The parties I dont like are the ones more interested in drinking first, fishing second. I am trying to weed my way out of those groups. Most my parties at this point are repeats, especially in the summer live lining so most my parties are great. Heck I had one group who went with me 5x this year and another 4x. I bet around half went 2x this year with me.

My kid trips are mostly live lining. Let them catch the stuff out of spot and perch and watch them swim in the livewell while the parents go for rockfish. Seems to work well.

Last edited by B-Faithful; 12-26-2014 at 09:13 AM.
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