Thread: Holy Crap!!
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Old 02-11-2015, 07:59 PM
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B-Faithful B-Faithful is offline
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I actually think this slot limit is going to be more effective than what people think. My bet is that it results is far greater than a 25% reduction. Vast majority of fish over the last couple of years will be in that no-take slot this year. Look at the numbers in the link i posted above to see how effective they were the last time too. (There was ~45% reduction over the previous year and participation went up - )

I dont know about you but the fish over 40" make up a small percentage of what is caught. I think it is great that people will be able to weigh and check in a state citation. The popularity of the trophy season is due to people being able to keep a fish of lifetime.

Where I think the no-take slot will hurt is in recreation violations. DNR is going to have to be real-clear on how fish are measured. For me I have always flat tailed measure just to make sure we are over a mark. What happens if an officer can squeeze a tail a tad more than the boat did. A 35.5" fish can go over 36" with a tail squeeze. A flat ruler vs a tape that curves on the fish can add a 1/4" or more too. DNR noted that there was a significant increase in violations with the last time we had a no-take slot. Hopefully they will do a good job at notifying and education to help reduce that. Also if they are in place multiple years, participants will have a better understanding.

Last edited by B-Faithful; 02-11-2015 at 08:12 PM.
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