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Old 08-09-2015, 01:07 AM
Mako mike Mako mike is offline
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Originally Posted by 5th Tuition View Post
Mike; it has been a little slow on the site. The dog days of summer I guess. I have been missing you at the marina. I've been going out for just a couple hours trolling for a few fish and back in the slip before the heat (or early evening).

Not enough to put up a "fishing report". Fish are still scattered north of the bridge (some good reports of Charters doing well by Thomas Point still using boards).
On the plus side; found some spot in our area. Not thick, but enough to make a trip next week You can't imagine how excited my anglers get when seeing a 5 inch spot on the end of the line

As I sit here typing; it looks like it might be a little "sporty" out there this morning. I was talking to a Captain at Happy Harbor yesterday afternoon, and he said he had 4 footers on the morning trip

Ray, what type of boat do you have? Hope it's not a 33 Grady
5th (Marty)
Thanks for the reply Marty. Glad to hear everyone is fine and still catching good fish. I gotta tell ya the crabs we caught today were not that plentiful but the ones we kept were dinosaurs and were delicious! It was great seeing you at the marina today and spending quite a bit of time just shooting the ****, boy how time flys when in good company! I am glad that crying on the phone like a little school boy finally enticed the teacher ( your better half) to come down and join you. Man if you could have seen the look on your face when she first said she wasn't going to come down. It was kinda like a little kid on Christmas that just opened all his new toys and then
Mom and dad took them away! I could tell you were having a good time and didn't want to leave. It was great meeting the Mrs. And had a great time just shooting the crap with you. Thanks again and let her know school will be over again before she knows it!!!!!!
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