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Old 11-26-2017, 06:00 PM
Mako mike Mako mike is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2014
Posts: 732

Nice post Marty thanks for putting it up. I’m sorer than a whore on two for one nite from being up and out first day home from hospital and just chilled today. If you did work on the boat today i appreciate it as the guys on mine looked like they would have pretty big heads today. I want to thank everyone who participate each year and those that give me a hand with it. I was great seeing everyone briefly and thanks for the card a good wishes. As you saw I’m out for the rest of this season and possibly next. Looking forward to everyone’s reports posted here if the big guns make a showing. If your ever in the area stop by have a drink and visit. After the season if anyone wants helps straightening their stuff up or re tying for next year stop on in and I’ll give ya a hand. Good luck the rest of the season and stay safe. Believe me when I say your whole life can change in a blink of an eye, it has for me!!
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