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Old 02-09-2010, 11:14 AM
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Originally Posted by Rex View Post
Funny how the two biggest whiners on here decided to get together to flex their internet muscles. Put down the Zinfandel and Vaseline boys, you're getting carried away!

You'll note that I have never personally attacked anyone on this board. Maybe I've called someone whiner, but if you can't handle that, then maybe you ARE a whiner. My aggression has always been focused toward what should be our common enemies and the issues that are consistently trying to damage this great country of ours.

Call me all the names you want, Stinkdick and Baldballs. I know damn well that if you were ever within spittin' distance of me, you'd both give me the "it was all in good fun" line.
As I have said, some of the stuff you say is funny as hell. And I personally don't care if you attack me, Im not sensitive. I bust balls as much as anyone, but I usually reserve it for my friends (people I know well). That being said, I don't like Zinfandel, I'm a Chardonnay or Coors Lite guy...and you are welcome on my boat anytime to "put a hurtin' on some fish" and talk about issues like men..

PS As long as you are really not Zam in disguise (you sound a lot like him)
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