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Old 02-27-2010, 09:10 PM
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der Fischadler der Fischadler is offline
Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: Montauk, NY
Posts: 37
Default One Poor Dumb Bastard's View

Fishing Reports should be all about helping the Poor Dumb Bastard (PDB). This is the individual that is trying to figure out how to catch some fish. At some point, everyone has been that PDB.
In order to really help someone, reports should contain at least a few of the following:
A picture of the fish, this motivates and identifies the target.
He now knows what to fish for.
Some general information on the location, but no pictures that shows the exact spot. Otherwise, the PDB doesn't have to figure out on his own how to find fish. This is key.
Provide what depth, temperature, or other pertinent information (e.g. bird, action, tide, time of day, etc.), this assists the PDB to locate his own fish.
He nows knows where to find fish.
Give the PDB some guidance on type of tackle use, techniques, lure type, weight and colors that worked, be generous here. This results in helping local tackle shops and makes the guy invest enough to ensure he's going to stick it out until he achieves success.
He now knows how to catch fish.
Armed with this basic information, the PDB must now go out on his own.
Eventually, the PDB will catch some nice fish and realize that he did it on his own.
He becomes self actualized.
The former PDB now posts and brags in his own fishing reports.
He becomes yet another know-it-all annoyance on several fishing forums.
But keep in mind, if someone had given the exact location to catch fish in the very beginning, he would have never become the "Rock Star" of today, he'd still be that Poor Dumb Bastard.

Last edited by der Fischadler; 02-27-2010 at 09:23 PM.
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