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Old 03-12-2010, 10:42 PM
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Shawn Kimbro Shawn Kimbro is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2009
Posts: 185

This is the time of year on the Chesapeake when Bill's question is most pertinent. In another week or two some of us will be running and gunning looking for fish beneath gannets in the Bay. If I go out and run 75 miles (not unusual) and never drop a line, it only counts as a boat ride. Okay, maybe I'll call it a recon trip. But if I went to, say a WWD and fished for say four hours without a fish, that's a skunk. The skunk hurts a lot worse because then I think I had a chance and failed. If I don't see the birds, I don't think I had a shot.
Fishing the Bay Bridge area onboard the Judge 27CC "Thunder Road"
Like Bluegrass? "Shawn's MySpace Music" Chesapeake Light

"Catch & Release - A picture is worth a thousand fish"
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