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Old 03-17-2010, 06:48 AM
Wild Bill Wild Bill is offline
Junior Member
Join Date: Feb 2010
Posts: 26

Hey Jack-

Chuck and Big Fish Bob are headed down today to check the CBBT and then the ocean. Hope they run into some good ones.

When we were down there was a huge flock of gannets at False Cape diving on bait with no stripers. I have seen that before in that area. Seeing gannets from the beach may or may not mean stripers.

You hit Hatteras on what we call a transition day after a blow. Even though it was still rough, boats could go out. That is the same thing we had our first day down. It had blown up to 50 Mph on the days before we got there. The bait and fish were scattered and we could not find them until two days later, when we had all you could want.

You may want to try Cape Cod Bay this summer for BFT. They get close to shore and you can do it in your own boat when the timing it right.
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