Thread: Fishing Reports
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Old 03-28-2010, 02:34 PM
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Bug Guy Bug Guy is offline
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This is where I am torn - if they are gauging effort, won't next year's ammo be..."no one fishes it, there is no economic benefit to anyone, why have it at all"?

However, I really believe the DNR didn't (won't) extract effort from TF, they used the pictures to justify the changes made to the season based on the greed of other groups that have their ear. If they said - "hey, we are changing this because So&so group doesn't want it", they'd look mighty stupid rather than just mildly stupid. They use that as the excuse and will use whatever excuse they want - even if it is obviously bogus and is not based on any logical reason.

Time will tell.



PS - hope to get out this week if the weather will cooperate for 2 guys in an 18 aluminum cc, if not I'll have to wait another week.

Originally Posted by drichitt View Post
For whatever reason, I can't get over the fact that DNR, and others, used the reports that appeared on TF to gauge effort last spring. Right now, I believe that each time someone posts a PSCR report it also upsets the anti-PSCR crowd; they then run to DNR raising hell. There was (and is) a huge silent majority that want PSCR stopped entirely. I have to believe DNR and the PSCR-haters are watching both Tf and CBA right now and collecting more ammunition for next year's fight. DNR is counting the reports of those reporting and extrapolating an estimate for effort; where I come from this is referred to as a Wag (Wild Ass Guess). If they are applying the same logic as last year, fewer reports means less effort and maybe no further restrictions for 2011. They sure as hell weren't out in the field gauging effort last year. I have no facts to back this up. It is just my own personal feeling as a very close observer of the early days of the PSCR debate. When you add in the snipers and general complainers, sharing is tough to do during this time of year. I hate to admit it and it sucks, but EO got what he wanted....Don
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