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Old 04-01-2010, 12:18 PM
Memory Maker Memory Maker is offline
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Posts: 23

Originally Posted by goinsfishin View Post
Not only more structure for fish.....but a move in the right direction for an energy policy that makes sense.....this Country is in a quandary with energy.....and it's gonna bite us in the *ss......remember the Arab Oil Embargo of 73.....and we're still dependent on them.
I can't agree with POTUS on a lot of things.....but we cannot keep the status quo of the last 40 years regarding energy.
Sorry guy ...... but if you think more supply will lower gas prices then your dreamin' ....... oil companies control the flow and the price ...... just look at the trends. The prices raise for little or no reason at all. Everytime there is a travel holiday the prices start rising at least a month in advance. Just look at the prices now and what they were in January/Feb ......... it ain't demand ...... it's just greed for profit ...... same way with the 73 gas shotrage ...... plenty of gas in tankers just off shore ...... we were told that there was just a 20 year gas supply in the earth ......... 30 years later there is still more gas than can be pumped ........ the 73 thing was to get prices from 30 cents/gal to $1.00/gal without backlash ...... it worked. We begged to pay any price as long as it was available .......... same song different day ......... supply isn't the problem .... it's greed. ....... and these guys are experts at diverting the attention away from them so we will pay the price without even a whimper .......

But all that new structure will be SWEEEET .......... just look at what they catch around the structure around the CBBT ands in the gulf ..........

and now Skip can quit and become a full time diver like he's always wanted .....

Last edited by Memory Maker; 04-01-2010 at 12:21 PM.
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