Thread: Fishing Report
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Old 05-05-2010, 02:16 PM
Rex Rex is offline
Join Date: Dec 2009
Posts: 43

I haven't been told that I'm being "called out" since I was in high school. In my grown up world, by the time you're "called out", you're on your ass or putting your boot in someone's neck--not inviting them on a fishing trip!

Let me explain something. Just because you can type a statement, it doesn't make it reality. I may or may not fish with you but it is not an indicator of who I am. I have fished with two guys on this board, but they are not part of your little Powder Puff clique. I've proven more than enough to God and country over the years and definitely don't need to prove jack sh*t to anyone here. If you don't like my positions, ignore me. I sure as sh*t have fought hard enough for the freedoms of this nation and I plan to exercise each and every one of them to its fullest.

A few of you seem really focused on old Rex. Worry about yourselves, your families, and what you can do to contribute to this great country of ours.

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