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Old 05-05-2010, 07:28 PM
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Originally Posted by reds View Post
Here's some applied common sense.
#1 We have been in a recession for the last 3 years. Recs don't have the money to fish. Charters are off because of it, tackle sales are down. Boat sales are in the toilet. Surprise, surprise the rec catch is off.

#2 Commercial Ocean Striped Bass harvesting has a quota (unlike the recs),
the harvest can only go up to the quota. If it is exceeded, the overage comes off the next year.
Part #2 I buy.
part #1 I dont buy...I saw more boats out last year than I've seen in my time on the bay. People may not be buying new boats, but they are using the ones they have. People are getting more efficient at catching fish. if 10% less people are fishing, but the remaining 90% are 50% more efficient, you are looking at more fish caught. I don't buy the recession is the cause for the Commercial catch % going up

people I know of that couldnt buy a bite 3 years ago are catching their limit damn near every trip now...why, because they are learning, mostly via the internet..

but again, why raise the quota? Show me a good argument why, as of yet I have not seen it...why not leave it alone? whether it be MD Bay or Offshore? I can only assume you are a Comm by your defense of this, which is fine, but the only motivation and response I can see is more $$$
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