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Old 09-24-2010, 03:13 PM
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goinsfishin goinsfishin is offline
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Location: Churchton, MD
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For the naysayers......I have run boards in the fall very successfully for many years.....and yes I can turn pretty tight with a 100 ft out on each side......pivot right around the inside board....which drops your lines on that side and almost always results in a hookup.
As for tangling lines.....a properly spaced and weighted spread shouldn't tangle....regardless of boards or not.
And to strike down the myth that fall fish are logs reflect the same catch percentages in both spring and fall for board rods vs boat rods......the WX seems to be a bigger factor......on clear sunny days the boards will catch more, on cloudy days the deep stuff will be favored.
Capt Steve Goins
Riding with "JoeDaDog"
on "Sandpiper" 89 Parker-Sou'Wester 25 SportCabin
Sandpiper Charters
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