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Old 11-07-2010, 04:47 PM
Remedy Remedy is offline
Join Date: Nov 2009
Posts: 41

Tried the boards today out of breezy pt. Man it was honking out there and the north wind waves were rolling against the incoming tide from the south. Me and my 15 year old son set both sides and ran three lines off of each and two deep umbrellas off the boat. They worked great. Never flipped. Never tangled. It was a beautiful spread! My first.

As far as the fishing goes...saw piles of bait but nothing was biting. We were going to head over to the choptank but turned around when we hit the shipping channel rollers! They were really, really big and breaking.

Big shout out to who ever said run the board in rough weather with 4 feed of shock chord. They absorbed the rolls and kept the boards in the water. When its that rough, I will probably hang 15 or 20 oz on the outside of the board to keep the outside board in the water and pulling.

Next on the learning curve, finding hungry fish!
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