Thread: Poachers nabbed
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Old 02-06-2011, 04:28 PM
Remedy Remedy is offline
Join Date: Nov 2009
Posts: 41

Well isn't this just terrible news on several levels. I am pretty upset about this.

First, these guys should all be shot. They are stealing, plain and simple.

Second, they are cruel. I dont want to hear any more comments about how I should or should not handle a fish. They are straining the bay with gill nets for crying out loud.

Third, stop bitching about C&R causing damage to the fish. These poachers killed 7,000 pound of fish. C&R is not going to put anywhere near a dent into the fish population like the poachers. If we just enforced the existing laws, people wouldn't feel like we need more.

Lastly, and most importantly, I have perpetually used poachers as the number one reason why on my best day I am only medicore at catching rockfish. Fewer fish means they are harder to catch. Catching the poachers is going to mess with my most reliable excuse!

Seriously now....I hope they catch them all and prosecute them to the highest standard of the law.
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