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Old 07-30-2015, 07:44 PM
Skip Skip is offline
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That is one tough question to answer - as it can be so spot specific.

Use the bay bridge as example - if given a choice - I like incoming in morning and outgoing in afternoon. Reason being - shadow of bridge in summer will be on face of piling. Often Rock use the shadow to ambush baitfish - add in the current being the " right " direction and chances improve.

Next - a favorite wreck off Podickery. It is good on outgoing but not so much with incoming. Reason ( I think ) - the south side of it has a hole where sand washed out. North side - wreck is almost level with bottom. Rock lay behind wreck and grab bait as it washes past on outgoing. Incoming forces Rock to swim into current.

Spring time - early season - I like outgoing in afternoon. I'll get up close to drop off at shore - water temps. coming off shallows can be 3-6 * warmer then main channel.

Fall I like outgoing near the river mouths - often baitfish will move out with it and Rock ambush them.

Many areas like Hacketts produce on both currents but you might need to move to opposite end of oyster bar. Often the north end is good outgoing - south end good on incoming.

Keep good notes in logbook - you'll find some spots only produce on certain current direction / speed.
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