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Old 12-22-2015, 05:42 PM
Mako mike Mako mike is offline
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Originally Posted by Chessie27 View Post
That won't get you much, I run the pointy end of the boat; Margaret runs the square end & THATS the number you need!!!

Great year in review Marty. Mine was similar- mostly worked, fished occasionally, drank like a fish whenever the situation allowed. And of course spent quality time with some quality people (even if they live on the wrong side of the Bay )

Here's to next year!!! 🍸🍸🍸🍸

No problem Jeff , I usually run the pointed end myself. If I reeled in two fish all season while trolling I would be surprised! Glad I have your contact number just in case we are both on cocktail hour on a head on situation! Just kidding, rarley when operating a vessel with crew is that the case. Worked too damn hard for 100 ton masters with endorsements to drink it away! Damn guys, I can hardly wait to get back out there and catch em up with
You guys. The way winter is going and Marty and myself both in indoor storage it's no problem to get together after the holidays on one of these 65-70 degree days we have been having and wet a line! God I love global warming, I just hope we don't pay for it in March and April. Otherwise I'll be heading back
Home to the keys as much as possible this winter. Actually taking Jay down in May while your all chasing Spring stripers for the tarpon run. Anyone interested we have room second week in May!
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