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Old 03-24-2012, 09:16 AM
PhilK999 PhilK999 is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2009
Posts: 121


Did you get the 24" arms or the 48" arms? Mine is the 24" arm.

In doing a little online research, people who use them suggest mounting the near the stern because of tangling with the motor, but move them far enough forward so you can get behind them to hook your lines to the releases without stretching too far out of the boat.

I am looking forward to the rod holder mount I just ordered so I can start experimenting, see how it works and where I might want to put it. My concern with the rod holder mount is someone not paying attention pulling the rod out with a fish on it and the whole thing going overboard. So I am going to rig a line up to the boat as a safety feature until I decide if I want to mount it permenantly.

With the mounting bracket that came with it you can remove them when not in use and make them a more solid installation. Once I feel comfortable in using it, I may rig up something with a 2X4 and few c-clamps so I can move it around a few locations and see where it works best, then either get the swivel mount or if the solid mount works at 90 degrees just install it.

I wanted them for summer and late fall fishing, especially if the spanish macs come up. I have caught them the last 3 years above the bridge and want to use some lighter tackle to catch them and limit the use of the down planers. Should be fun if they make it up the bay again.

Good luck with your new toys.
Phil Krausz aboard the "Krazy Phisch"
Fishing from Pooles Island to the Bay Bridge
Proud member of the MSSA and CCA
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