Thread: Obama's hands
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Old 04-27-2013, 05:41 PM
5th Tuition 5th Tuition is offline
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Skip, took your suggestion and set all #64 bands and have not had a problem since.

However, it has been so rough out there that the planner board cable broke on us today I guess it was weakened from all the wave action last week. Today was light winds and the darn thing snapped at the rooftop brass snap swivel

When it broke, I thought we had the new State record on a roof rod

With all hands on deck, we saved everything and got back to fishing in no time

I lightened all my rods (reduced the length off the boards) and had much better success today. We had one fish on today I would have loved to have seen. I set all my drags the same on the boat. They are set so that I can just budge them with my bare hands (any more drag and the #80 power pro would cut me). This fish stripped drag like it wasn't set. The inexperienced angler had him headed in with lots of head shakes. Half way to the boat, she spit the hook.

I hope she lays those eggs and they survive

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