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Old 11-09-2014, 06:24 PM
Rockin' Robin Rockin' Robin is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2013
Posts: 108


That is one heck of an awesome fish for a guy who doesn't fish tournaments and doesn't fish weekends... Congratulations! Now if you entered the Fish For A Cure, you would have come home with $13,000 in calcutta money for 1st and 3rd place fish!

Sounds like one heck of a fun day you put together and I am really sorry that I missed it! But I certainly enjoyed participating in Fish For A Cure, raised $3,100 in 5 days for a great cause, and enjoyed preparing for the tournament and a full day of fishing. The fishing, however, was pretty lousy well south of the bridge with only 7 fish up to 25" after an 11 hour day. I fished the same area that I have fished for the past 3 weeks after I heard Bruce had done well on October 16. Each trip I would come across breaking fish under birds at some point in the day and have several rods go down with 2-4 fish over 30". Yesterday, it just didn't happen... when the birds did finally converge on breaking fish early in the afternoon, I would only get one small fish out of each fish with 17 lines in the water. I was dragging all 9" chutes on the boards with spoons and umbrellas on the boat.

By the way, I love the title of your thread... Judgement Day! I sure hope to be included in the next one.

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