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Old 03-07-2011, 03:14 PM
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B-Faithful B-Faithful is offline
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I am just buttering you up so when I start trolling/chumming/livelining again that I dont get a bunch of crap

Seriously, you have fuelled a bit of a light tackle craze on the bay, which is a good thing. You are getting people out on the water and interacting with our resources. Not only does this benefit our state economically but studies show that people who fish care more about the environment. Studies also show that people who do outdoor activities are typically healthier both physically and mentally.

I personally hope a growing interest in fishing leads to parents taking their kids fishing as it is one of the best activities in the world to spend one-on-one time with your kids. Parents taking to the time to talk and share activities with their kids benefits society in so many ways... (I believe it leads to less crime, people dependent upon social services, more involved citizens, etc. etc...)

Sorry, I can't help overthinking these things. My degree is in political philosophy)
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