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Old 05-13-2011, 06:54 PM
reds reds is offline
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Originally Posted by Skip View Post
Reds - I was invited on the boat and had some time to talk to the owner.

Bear with me - going from memory.

I remember John saying the boat could only carry 6. When he first bought it - it was designed to carry more. After a inspection - there needed to be a few things changed to carry more and there was not time to get everything done.

It was small things like a wider cabin door - railing - etc.

Trust me - that boat is a solid tank.
I made a mistake, I should have called the Coast Guard and let them deal with the fact he was advertising an over 6 boat.

Instead I tried to hint to his mate that there was a problem, hoping he would see what I was talking about and tell the owner so he could take the website down.

The Coast Guard doesn't like advertising something on a website when the boat doesn't have the proper credentials and it sure was enough evidence of that.

I could care less how solid his boat is or his number of trips. The boat owner should play by the regs the rest of us have to play by.
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