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Old 07-07-2013, 06:39 AM
Tawn Tawn is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2013
Posts: 329

Please excuse typos ....typing with one finger. On my phone, under the influence of Percocet!

We had trips Thu, Fri, Sat & Sun last week so my hands were fairly nicked and cut up headed into Sunday morning. We did the usual, go catch spot , live line for Rockfish and then perch fish after we limited out on Rockfish. When spot fidhing I usually wear one of those rubber palmed gloves on my left hand for unhooking the inevitable small perch and/or croaker. I cut about 1/4" off the thumb and index finger so I can still bait spot hooks with the glove on. Well Sunday, we weren't really catching anything but spot so I ended up taking the glove off. The spot were coming in pretty quick and when a customer hauled up a small perch, I didn't take the time to put my glove on and you guessed it, I got stuck. At the time it didn't seem any worse than the thousands of other times we have all been stuck ... I didn't stop and wash it and continued baiting hooks and taking fish off hooks.

When I got home that afternoon my hands were pretty beat up after four days straight but no worse than normal.

By Monday my left index finger and thumb hurt worse than normal. ... I inspected them for any fins broken off in the skin, couldn't find any and soaked the hand in Epsom Salt (according to my mom, that cures everything).

By Tuesday morning, the finger & thumb was swollen to the point it was "hard", discolored and painful to bend. I got in to sick call and was given 800 mg Spectra antibiotics to take twice a day.

The oral antibiotic had no effect and by Wednesday afternoon the affected area was purple, hot to the touch and hard as a rock and spreading.

I went to the AAFB ER, they immediately transferred me to Bethesda. They admitted me and began IV antibiotics and made two incisions to relieve the pressure. By Saturday morning not enough headway was being made on getting rid of the infection so the put me under and operated on the finger & thumb.

Basically what they did was open it up enough they could scrub the inside of my finger. Then they put in drainage tubes and left the incisions open so "they can heal from the inside out". I am still receiving IV antibiotics and have been told I will have to remain hospitalized until al least Monday evening.

My lesson learned is that I wil never again get in such a hurry that I will attempt to unhook multiple small croaker & perch without a glove. I will also make the time to thoroughly clean any and all fish fin & hook puncture wounds immediately.

Last edited by Tawn; 07-07-2013 at 06:56 AM.
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