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Old 10-10-2017, 10:22 AM
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Spot77 Spot77 is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: Kent Island - Near Romancoke Pier
Posts: 1,741

I moved last month to a house on Eastern Bay and I've been kayak fishing and fishing from the pier almost every day or night. Found a clam bed to kayak fish over and have been catching up to 18" at best.

Lots of BIG White Perch have been visiting the pier in the evenings and a few small Rockfish as well but not many. The water is super clear there and it's fun to watch the fish attack the lure from 6 or 7 feet away.

Every weekend there are boats jigging out in the deeper water of Eastern Bay but I can't see what they've been catching unless I look through binoculars....and that gets tiresome and interferes with my beer drinking.
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