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Old 03-11-2011, 05:09 PM
reds reds is offline
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Originally Posted by Blakesdad View Post
I lost a friend last week, to a absolutely senseless and bizarre murder.
Please read the story:

Its been a week of reflection. And while I mourn the loss of George, I can't help but think how avoidable this incident could have been.

I wasn't there, but I have spoken with his brother Jack. I'm just uncomfortable with their thought process.

You hear something, you see something, YOU take matters into to your own hands.

That's something, that until last Saturday, I would have done. How dare anyone violate my rights and my hard work for their gain.

And then, your dead. And your family is in ruins, and the family business is in turmoil.

There's NOTHING in that truck, that was worth loss of life.

So I'm just sharing this with you all. I hope none of you find yourself in this predicament, but if you do, maybe you can remember what happened to George, and call the authorities, who are trained professionals to deal with life's nut cases and criminals.

Peace Out, thanks for reading.

Some things you have to stand up for, regardless.
It's tough to lose a friend and I'm sorry for your loss.
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