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Old 01-23-2010, 08:24 PM
mdracer mdracer is offline
Join Date: Nov 2009
Posts: 39

Originally Posted by 5th Tuition View Post
Sat here this morning paying the bills and came across my MSSA renewal that I've been wavering about paying. Finally tore it up and threw it in the trash.
I'm still holding a grudge over their C/R position. I was at the Broadneck chapter meeting when they polled the members and everyone but two people supported keeping the current regulations. It is my UNDERSTANDING that this poll was repeated among all the chapters with similar results.
Once again; we have an organization supporting something the members were against! Now to be fair; MSSA helped the rec fisherman by advocating DNR drop the day restrictions; and I BELIEVE they wanted three rods per angler, instead of the proposed boat limit of six. However; MSSA was still advocating rod restrictions, stingerless lures, and barbless hooks when their membership was advocating the current regulations.
Now before everyone jumps on me and classifies me as a "meat hunter" that's not concerned with consrvation, that's not the case. If MSSA or DNR could convince me that these actions are necessary; I would be all for them. But that's not the case.
My main issue is simply having management (MSSA) going against it's membership. I understand that MSSA may be our best representative right now, but they still didn't do what we the members voted upon. Because they only supported part of the DNR proposal; should I only send in part of my membership fee?
Some will say that if we don't have MSSA representation; we won't have any representation at the table. I see it differently. I say, if we don't send MSSA a message; they will continually feel it's ok to second guess their members.
Send in a subscription to your favorite magazine and when it arrives, you only get half the magazine, do you continue to subscribe? Sign up for HDTV with your cable company and they only give you Digital; do you keep paying for HD?
As much as I wanted to renew; I just couldn't put the pen to the check. All is not lost, I may join again in the future. But only if I see a change in the organization. At the very least, I needed to be informed by MSSA on the reason they supported additional restrictions. If they think my C/R needs to be restricted, maybe they shouldn't support C/K tournaments. Perhaps they need to move toward C/R tournaments in the name of conservation.

p.s. I also cut up my AARP card and sent it back. 5th (Marty)
Good for you. Any organization that does not do what the general membership wants is not doing the right thing by them. Perhaps their decision to go against the membership's wishes has something to do with protecting those tournaments from any restrictions. Just a thought. I have mixed emotions about any non-profit orgainzation that has a vested interest in making money off of species of fish having a say in the decisions regarding those fish. I can uderstand charterboat captains and commercials having a say as they make their living on these fish and only represent themselves. I don't care for 7,000 supposed members, whose leadership does not listen to, representing me or the 3-400,000 other recs. If they don't listen to their membership then it means only a select few are representing all recs. That's not right in any book. Sounds like Washington politics to me. I will say one thing though. When the MSSA was formed they were a great organization that did some wonderful things to protect the rockfish and that should never be forgotten. Somehow they seem to have lost their way but they can change and let's hope they do.
I have to place a disclaimer here. I am not a commercial fisherman or a charterboat captain. If it were up to me a striper would have sportfish status only in the entire country.
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