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Old 02-24-2011, 08:40 PM
Mark Mark is offline
Join Date: Dec 2010
Posts: 33

Originally Posted by crabby and son View Post
Reds, The comment , you reap what you sew was not a comment directed at you unless you are a poacher. You read it as you want to read it. Yes there are bad cops but not 43%. We don't need a $30,000.00 reward to turn the bad cops in. We do it out of pride and self esteem. We don't tolerate the bad cops and accept them as our brothers. If a police officer is charged even with a misdemeanor, chances are he will lose his job. I guess a waterman is an OK guy if he has just been charged with misdemeanors A waterman is about the only one that keeps his license after 20-50 misdemeanor violations. Even a professional driver or Home Improvement Contractor will lose his license after a few misdemeanor violations. Take, take, take is OVER and we will do the best we can to rid the Chesapeake Bay of nets.Oh , and 2 poachers is a joke too!!!.Instead of spending time on here defending nets, you should go and sharpen your hooks!.......Gary
As a rec, I don't like the recs lumping all watermen in one group as poachers. Not that that is what Gary was doing but it comes across that way. But, Telling them to go sharpen their hooks is just a "go f yourself" after that. Putting a lot of hard working, honest watermen out of work for poachers will solve nothing. Poachers will poach regardless of what ban you put out there. Do i like netting, no, but i like taking away another mans means of supporting his family even less. It's like saying, "doctors are caught practicing without a license every day and people are dying because of it. We need to ban all doctors from practicing medicine.". Sounds stupid, right? Its an extreme example, but its just to make a point. The net ban comes across as completely self serving, just as the reallocation in the name of conservation does. Do you really think these criminals will say, "oh crap, they banned netting! We have to stop poaching now!" Do we really believe all other states will follow suit, or will their watermen prosper as ours flounder? Will they applaud the efforts in public while they laugh behind our backs as they cash our watermens checks?

Telling them to go be hook and liners, in many cases, is like telling them to learn a new trade. For a cop, since we are on that, it's like saying, " there have been a lot of killings by rogue cops out there. Go learn to slide own a pole and put out fires. "
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