Thread: Really?
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Old 10-07-2010, 01:32 PM
5th Tuition 5th Tuition is offline
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Plus, so many people who post here were very anti my method of fishing when DNR got involved last year. They wanted to know why jigging was not targeted too. Rather than fight, they tried to take everyone down with them. Not people I want to share with.
Dude, Brother, Fellow fishing person;
I was at all the meetings last fall/winter. I don't know how you could make this statement. Let's be honest, trolling was targeted by DNR (we harass the fish and drag them through the water). At every meeting, you had jigging professionals (Tom Hughs, Ritchie Gaines and several others) demanding "ONE ROD, ONE PERSON".
From your posts, I have great respect for you even though we have never met. I don't jig very much because of "tennis elbow", and because I've never put in the amount of time necessary to be good at it. I respect your type of fishing and get the fact that it is a lot more fun to bring in big fish on lighter tackle (which is why I love livelinning and bait fishing). I wish I could do more of it.
Trust me we "faught" for all we were worth to try to salvage the C/R season. We didn't want anyone to be negatively effected. We felt, and still do, that this was MOSTLY all a vendetta against a single person by the MCBA. I can't tell you how many times "trolling through a bird show with all 17 lines going down" was repeated.
And what do we have to show for it? Nothing but bad blood among brother fisherman. The charter captains didn't have a banner year with bookings. I suspect the YOY index will not show a huge increase in spawning. And Maryland looks like an ass among all other fishing states. What other state "restricts Catch and Release, while promoting Catch and Kill"?
I look forward to more posts by you, and I hope we are still "board buddies".
We need to stick together and save our resource!!!!
Best of luck to you this fall, bring in the big ones.
5th (Marty)
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